Thursday, February 28, 2013

English 10 Honors--3/5/2013

Jump Off
--Take out your notebook and date the page (3/5/2013).  Then, complete a quick-write as per one of the following topics:
  • If you were present in class last time, write a "letter" to one of your absent peers (as several students were absent on Friday) explaining what was missed.
  • If you were absent last class, write a "letter" to one of your peers who was here in class describing how you spent your day. 
S. the C.
--share J.O.s (at least four)

Transition -- pick up the packet entitled "Research Skills--Our Own Research Handbook" from the front table

Writing Workshop -- "Research Skills--Our Own Research Handbook"
--preview the contents of the packet quietly and independently
--what should we take care of today?
--direct instruction as per our answer to the question above
--small groups reconvene
--outlining/meeting time

--Continue progressing through your essay--the due date is Monday, March 18th.

English 9--3/5/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up the sheet entitled "Common Errors--Review/Preview" from the front table.  Read the directions and complete the task at hand quietly and independently.

S. the C.
--go over the J.O. (we will continue grammar work in class on Thursday)

--Clear your desks of all but a writing utensil in preparation for the "Dragonsong Unit--Foreword and Chapter 1 Reading Comprehension Check" assessment.

Assessment -- "Dragonsong Unit--Foreword and Chapter 1 Reading Comprehension Check" 
--complete the assessment quietly and independently--when finished, put your head down on your desk

Transition -- pick up the packet entitled "Chapter 1--Close Reading Practice/Discussion Preparation" from the front table

Instruction -- Dragonsong Chapter 1
--read the directions quietly and independently--when you've finished reading, look up
--student selected at random to clarify our purpose
--work together to deconstruct the questions/prompts--mark up a copy of the packet on the SmartBoard
--select a question for Mr. Martin to complete as a model--Mr. Martin models
--begin re-reading the novel via oral reading (rationale explained)--work on "Chapter 1--Close Reading Practice/Discussion Preparation" packet
--continue working quietly and independently
--Where should you put this?

Closure -- Whip Around
--Think of one "thing" you learned in class today.  (If you need to write your key learning down so that you don't forget, please do so!)
--Toss the ball around the classroom from one to another sharing learnings.

--Continue re-reading Chapter 1 and complete at least three of the "Chapter 1--Close Reading Practice/Discussion Preparation" packet questions.  We will have a circle discussion in class on Thursday.

Senior English--3/4/2013

Jump Off (3 mins.)
--Open your vocabulary book to Unit #7.  Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)

Vocabulary Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #7
--Go over the Unit #7 word list. (8-10 mins.)
--Quietly and independently complete all of the Unit #7 exercises in the vocabulary book. (15 mins.)
--Go over the answers to the vocabulary exercises. (5-10 mins.)
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place this Friday.  Don’t forget about our incentive plan!

Writing Workshop – Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay/Arguing for a Position Research Paper (35-45 mins.)
--quiet, independent work block--work on any of the following:
  • Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay revisions (71% of Mr. Martin’s students need to submit revised versions of this assignment at mastery level for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio by March 27, 2013)--this includes attending to Meaning, Development, Organization, Language Use, and Conventions as per reflection completed in class on 2/26/2013 and conventions revisions completed in class on 2/28/2013
  • purposeful re-reading of sources for the Arguing for a Position Research Paper (looking for patterns/grouping information by topic, deciding what pieces of information to directly quote, paraphrase, or summarize, etc.)
  • rough outlining of the Arguing for a Position Research Paper (further grouping of information on lined paper--the “Classic Model for an Argument”, “Toulmin Model – Classical Argumentation”, and/or “Rogerian Model – A Diplomatic Mode of Argumentation, Problem-Solution” sheet(s) from class on 1/30/2013 should prove helpful during this process)
Closure – What Next? (3-5 mins.)
--On a scrap sheet of paper, write down suggestions for how you’d like to spend our next few classes together.  What do you feel as if you need from Mr. Martin?

--Continue preparing for the Unit #7 vocabulary assessment, which will take place this Friday.  Don’t forget about our incentive plan!
--Bring your vocabulary book again next class in case the book is needed for review purposes.
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece to the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is tentatively March 27th, a little less than one month from today (but you REALLY do not want to wait due to our other major writing assignment taking place concurrently!).
--Continue making progress on your Arguing for a Position Research Paper.  If Mr. Martin did not check your sources in class last Thursday, plan on him doing so in class on Wednesday.

English 10 Honors--3/1/2013

Jump Off
--Spend a few minutes studying for the forthcoming Unit #7 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently while Mr. Martin takes care of attendance.  Mr. Martin will be around momentarily with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently.  Good luck!

S. the C.
--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection

Questions (and quite a few answers) from 2/27/2013:
  • When is the essay due?  March 18th
    • Can we define some checkpoints/due dates for our time between now and the official due date?  Not counting today, we have a Tu, Th, M, and W before Monday, March 18th--let's make some decisions!
  • Will we have class time to work on the essay?  Let's make some decisions!
  • What is the word limit?  Between 600 words and 1,200 words--this equates to about 2 pages to 3 1/2 pages in 12-point Times New Roman font double-spaced (the essay MUST be double-spaced!)--I assume that the word count does not include the heading and Works Cited page, but we may want to e-mail and double-check
  • Can we still change our essay topic?   Yes, but...
  • Can we get into groups and discuss based on like-topics?  Yes...starting later today!
    • How do I structure this type of writing response?  I can't answer this 
  • How much vocabulary should we use in our essays?  Let's talk about this
  • Can we look at a few more samples and clarify expectations? about on Tuesday of next week? 
  • Are there any other resources that would prove beneficial for writing about these topics?  Let's talk about this
  • Can we discuss the Bible excerpt?:
    • Is the link between Anthem and the Bible purposeful or coincidental?
    • How much do different translations of the creation and fall of man impact the meaning of the story?
    • Can we draw on other stories from the Bible and reference them in our essays in addition to the story studied in class? 
Transition -- form a circle (let's not be creatures of habit!)

Discussion -- Anthem Essays
--discuss the excerpt as per the second prompt (purposeful mark-ups/notes from last class)
--consider the three bullets listed above
--break up into groups by essay topic--discuss structure and......what else should you look to accomplish in these discussions?

--Continue progressing through your essay--the due date is Monday, March 18th.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

English 9--3/1/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up the sheet entitled "The Facts of Pern" from the front table so that you're ready for our first activity, which will take place after the vocabulary quiz.
--Spend a few minutes studying for the forthcoming Unit #8 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently while Mr. Martin takes care of attendance.  Mr. Martin will be around momentarily with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently.  Good luck!

S. the C.
--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection

Activity -- The Foreword: Close Reading/Notetaking
--first read: read-aloud (rationale explained)--get the "gist" (What does this directive mean?)--jot the gist on your index card at each of Mr. Martin's stopping points--ONLY NECESSARY IN BLOCK 4
--Transition--pick up a copy of Dragonsong from the front of the classroom/write down book numbers--ONLY NECESSARY IN BLOCK 4
--What is the gist of the Foreword?--discuss
--material analysis: "The Facts of Pern" sheet (defining our purpose for second read)
--second read: independent reading as per defined purpose
--volunteers come up to the front board and write information on the SmartBoard
--go over notes
--When finished with this activity, place this page in your binder right behind your "Mulan Connections/Novel Knowledge Search" sheet.

Brain Break -- Life with the Wright Family 

Transition -- pick up the packet entitled "Chapter 1--Close Reading Practice/Discussion Preparation" from the front table

Instruction -- Dragonsong Chapter 1
--read the directions quietly and independently--when you've finished reading, look up
--student selected at random to clarify our purpose
--work together to deconstruct the questions/prompts--mark up a copy of the packet on the SmartBoard
--begin the novel via oral reading (rationale explained)--work on "Chapter 1--Close Reading Practice/Discussion Preparation" packet
--Where should you put this?

Closure -- Whip Around
--HW assigned
--Think of one "thing" you learned in class today.  (If you need to write your key learning down so that you don't forget, please do so!)
--Toss the ball around the classroom from one to another sharing learnings.

--Begin/finish reading Chapter 1 (taking notes is highly encouraged)--a basic comprehension quiz will take place on Tuesday, 3/5.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Senior English--2/28/2013

Jump Off
--All students who did not attend the field trip must turn in the "Milne Library Ticket-Out-the-Door" assignment (completed using a database source from the Livonia High School Library) by placing the assignment on the front table. 
--Complete the incorrect sentence identification as per the PowerPoint slide directions.

S. the C.
--rationale behind bulk today's lesson: addressing the "Want to Know"s!

Writing Workshop #1 -- Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay
--just a reminder that much of this information pertains to our next writing assignment as well!
--oral reading of two sample essays--what am I trying to prove?
--take a look at what sentences from J.O. are indeed incorrect--how did I do?
--What are the "big three"?--I am successful if at the end of today's class, I am better at identifying and fixing errors related to the "big three"?  My proof will be my (partially) revised essay.
--volunteers go up to the front board and revise sentences:
  • #1/3 (why?, rule reviewed and written on front board, RE-READING method modeled, independent work time for revision purposes, three cards to share revisions)--point out #2
  • #5 (SEE ABOVE)--point out #4
  • #7/8 (SEE ABOVE)--point out #6
--As your essays are now probably stronger in the "Conventions" category, Mr. Martin encourages you to continue revising for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio for homework.   The due date for submitting a revised writing piece to the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is tentatively March 27th, one month from today (but you REALLY do not want to wait due to our other major writing assignment taking place concurrently!).

Writing Workshop #2 -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper: Writers at Work
--What next?  Take a look at:
  • Chris Nguyen's notes/thoughts
  • Mr. Martin's notes/thoughts
--The main bullet point is that you must think, and there is truly no one right way to go about doing so!

HW Time
--independent, quiet work time (revisions OR reading/notetaking [though you should be done!] OR synthezing notes)
**Mr. Martin will call up students one at a time to check the homework (evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources)**

--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece to the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is tentatively March 27th, one month from today (but you REALLY do not want to wait due to our other major writing assignment taking place concurrently!).
--Beginning next week, we will outline our essays in earnest--be prepared!
--Bring your vocabulary book to class on Monday.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

English 10 Honors--2/27/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a BINGO board and a highlighter from the front table.  Fill in the board with the Unit #7 words using your writing utensil (not the highlighter).

S. the C.
--reminder given for how to fill in BINGO boards (unit word + "helper" word)—Mr. Martin models
--directions given for writing five sentences on the back of your BINGO board (you may NOT just use the sentences from the book)

Review -- Vocabulary Unit #7 BINGO
--independent work time--writing five sentences
--"how to win" reminder
--information about “board validation” (at podium, share words, basic definitions, and a sample sentence)
--play 3-5 games (depending on time)--+1 bonus to winners
--For HW, finish preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place next class.

--Pick up the reading and an index card from the front table.

Discussion Preparation – Anthem Essays
--first read: read-aloud (rationale explained)--get the "gist" (What does this directive mean?)--jot the gist on your index card at each of Mr. Martin's stopping points
--take a look at the second Ayn Rand Essay Contest prompt again--What is our purpose in reading this  excerpt?
--second read: independent reading as per defined purpose

Transition -- form a circle

Discussion -- Anthem Essays
--discuss the excerpt as per the second prompt
--share essay outlines/"visions" (volunteers?  cards drawn?)
--revisit our timeline--what are our next steps as a class?

Transition -- re-row desks

Closure -- Final Countdown
  • Individually reflect over the learnings that you have had the past few classes in our work with Ayn Rand's Anthem.
  • On the graphic organizer provided, specifically respond to the following prompts:
    • What are the three most important things you have learned today and Monday?
    • What are two questions you would still like answered?
    • What is one way what you have learned connects with what you knew before?
--Your "Final Countdown" graphic organizer will be collected at the end of class.

--Finish preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place next class.
--Continue progressing through your essay.

English 9--2/27/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a BINGO board and a highlighter from the front table.  Fill in the board with the Unit #8 words using your writing utensil (not the highlighter).

S. the C.
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 4th (less than a week from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.
--reminder given for how to fill in BINGO boards (unit word + "helper" word)--Mr. Martin models
--directions given for writing five sentences on the back of your BINGO board (you may NOT just use the sentences from the book)--Mr. Martin models

Review -- Vocabulary Unit #8 BINGO
--independent work time--writing five sentences
--"how to win" reminder
--information about “board validation” (at podium, share words, basic definitions, and a sample sentence)
--play 3-5 games (depending on time)--+1 bonus to winners
--For HW, finish preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place next class.


--Pick up the sheet entitled "Mulan Connections/Novel Knowledge Search" from the front table and read the italicized text beginning with the words "Answer the questions below..." in order to clarify your purpose.

Activity #1 -- Mulan Connections/Novel Knowledge Search

--respond to questions/prompts and discuss
--When finished with this activity, place this page in your binder behind your notes for Mulan and "Trifles"--this is the first page in your notebook pertaining to the actual novel in this novel unit!

Transition -- report to the front table, where Mr. Martin will give you the necessary materials for our next activity ("The Facts of Pern" sheet and an index card)--write your name on the index card

Activity #2 -- The Foreword: Close Reading/Notetaking 

--first read: read-aloud (rationale explained)--get the "gist" (What does this directive mean?)--jot the gist on your index card at each of Mr. Martin's stopping points
--Transition--pick up a copy of Dragonsong from the front of the classroom/write down book numbers
--material analysis: "The Facts of Pern" sheet (defining our purpose for second read)
--second read: independent reading as per defined purpose
--When finished with this activity, place this page in your binder right behind your "Mulan Connections/Novel Knowledge Search" sheet.

Closure -- Making a Connection

--On the back of your index card, write at least three sentences explaining a connection made between Activity #1 and Activity #2--Mr. Martin models
**You must properly use at least two Unit #8 vocabulary words in your response**

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability. The due date for submission is March 4th (less than a week from today).
--Finish preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place next class.
--Finish the activity entitled "The Foreword: Close Reading/Notetaking" if we run out of class time.

Senior English--2/26/2013

Jump Off
--From Friday's agenda: The "Milne Library Ticket-Out-the-Door", which will be counted as a quiz score, is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 2/26/2013 for all students who did not turn it in today. See Mr. Martin's model for an example of a thoroughly completed version of the assignment. 

IF YOU ATTENDED THE FIELD TRIP ON FRIDAY AND DID NOT TURN THIS ASSIGNMENT IN YET, PLACE IT ON THE FRONT TABLE.  All students who did not attend the field trip must complete this assignment with a database source from the Livonia High School Library. This assignment is due on Thursday, 2/28/2013 for students who did not attend.

--Pick up the K-W-L chart from the front table.  In the box labeled "Topic", write the following: Writing high-quality college-level papers (e.g., literary analysis and research-based argumentation) in MLA format

S. the C.
--clarification of K-W-L chart topic
--independent work time--completing the "Know" column
--share data compiled following the scoring of the Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essays

Two big questions addressed today:
  • How can I improve the content of my Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay?
  • What can I learn from reflecting upon my Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay that will help me do better the first time around on my Arguing for a Position Research Paper?
Excerpt from Chip and Dan Heath's Made to Stick:

"[P]eople tend to think they know a lot.  Research has shown that we are typically overconfident about how much we know.

In one study, researchers asked people to consider the serious parking problem faced by their university.  Participants were given time to generate as many solutions as they could.  The participants generated, in total, about 300 solutions, which were classified into seven major categories.  One category suggested ways to reduce demand for parking (e.g., by raising parking fees), and another suggested ways to use parking space more efficiently (e.g., by creating spaces for "Compact Cars Only").

The average participant failed to identify more than 70 percent of the best solutions identified by an expert panel.  This failure is understandable; we wouldn't expect any one person to be able to generate a database worth of solutions.  However, when the individuals were asked to assess their own performance, they predicted that they had identified 75 percent.  They thought they got the majority, but in reality they'd missed them."

--begin completing the "Want to Know" column--share a few and create a list on the front board

Writing Worskhop -- Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay
--essays/rubrics returned--take a brief look and add to "Want to Know" column--share a few more and add to list
--MLA format--model in Microsoft Word (you should probably take notes)--your MLA format should be perfect on future assignments
--Transition--pick up the halfsheet entitled "Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay--Feedback Analysis" from the front table
--independent work--complete the halfsheet using essay and content rubric--Mr. Martin models first
--whole-group share-out--Mr. Martin creates a list on the front board/models where appropriate

Closure -- "Learned"
--look back at the "Want to Know" column of your chart--cross out all questions that have been answered/topics that have been addressed--add any additional items to the column
--complete the "Learned" column
--turn in K-W-L chart, Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay, and both rubrics (unless you are planning on completing revisions between now and Thursday)

HW Time
--in-class meeting order established for Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essays--meetings conducted

--All students who did not attend the Milne Library field trip must complete the "Milne Library Ticket-Out-the-Door" assignment with a database source from the Livonia High School Library. This assignment is due on Thursday, 2/28/2013 for students who did not attend.  See Mr. Martin's model for an example of a thoroughly completed version of the assignment.
--Next class (Thursday, 2/28/2013), you will be asked to turn in evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources.  This "progress check" will be counted as a quiz score.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

English 10 Honors--2/25/2013

Jump Off
--Open your vocabulary book to page 84.  Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.

S. the C.

Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #7
--go over Unit #7 word list (page 84) and five "Whimsical Words"
--complete Choosing the Right Word on page 89 (and additional exercises if time permits)
--go over Choosing the Right Word
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place this Friday.  Make sure to familiarize yourself with the “Whimsical Words”.

Video/Notetaking -- Mike Wallace's 1959 Interview with Ayn Rand
--Directions for viewing Mike Wallace's 1959 Interview with Ayn Rand:
  • Your goal is to take down notes on your "Anthem Novella Unit--Analysis/Discussion/Writing Preparation Notes" packet under the "Philosophy in Anthem/Ayn Rand's philosophy" heading for discussion next week and potential use within your Anthem Essay Contest research paper.
  • Please note that this interview was as controversial and thought-provoking then as it is now.  View the interview with an open mind and understand that you do not have to agree with any of the ideas that Rand presents!
--view three video segments from YouTube and take purposeful notes

Transition -- form a circle

Discussion -- Anthem Essays
--discuss "Historical Context" reading and Ayn Rand interview with Anthem essay topics in mind--how can we use this information?
--share essay outlines/"visions" (volunteers?  cards drawn?)
--revisit our timeline--what are our next steps as a class?

Transition -- re-row desks

Closure -- Final Countdown
  • Individually reflect over the learnings that you have had today in our work with Ayn Rand's Anthem.
  • On the graphic organizer provided, specifically respond to the following prompts:
    • What are the three most important things you have learned today?
    • What are two questions you would still like answered?
    • What is one way what you have learned connects with what you knew before?
--Your "Final Countdown" graphic organizer will be collected at the end of class.

--Begin preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place this Friday.  Make sure to familiarize yourself with the “Whimsical Words”.  We will review in class on Wednesday, and the better you know the words on Wednesday, the better you will do during our review time.  Bring your vocabulary book to class next time, as the book will be needed for review purposes.
--Continue progressing through your essay.

English 9--2/25/2013

Jump Off
--Open your vocabulary book to page 91. Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.

S. the C. 
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 4th (one week from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.

Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #8

--go over Unit #8 word list (page 91)
--complete Choosing the Right Word on page 96 (and additional exercises if time permits)
--go over Choosing the Right Word
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place this Friday.

Transition -- pick up a copy of the literature book from the front of the classroom/take out your notebook, date the page (2/25/2013), and label this section of your notes "'Trifles' Wrap-up"

Discussion/Notetaking -- "Trifles" Wrap-up
--in your notebook, spend five minutes quietly and independently answering as many of the questions projected up on the front board as you can
--pair up--share responses/continue answering questions
--return to assigned seats
--discussion/notetaking--take a look at the "WE GET IT!" slide, then answer all of the "Questions to Consider" ("take it to the text" often, really "hammer" irony and symbolism in discussion of last question, etc.)

Brain Break -- Life with the Wright Family

Activity -- The People vs. Minnie Wright
--review the parts of a trial (YouTube videos?)
--reconvene with groups and finish preparing for "trial"--each side will deliver an opening statement (2:00 maximum), testimony (4:00 maximum), and a closing argument (2:00 maximum)
--Mr. Martin will circulate (In what direction are you heading?  Who will present?  Etc.)
--set the parameters for the trial
--conduct the trial

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability. The due date for submission is March 4th (one week from today).
--Bring your vocabulary book to class next time for review purposes.
--Begin preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place this Friday.

Senior English--2/22/2013

--SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library

--Viewing of Tuesdays with Morrie (students preferring to work on research may do so!)

--The "Milne Library Ticket-Out-the-Door", which will be counted as a quiz score, is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 2/26/2013 for all students who did not turn it in today.  See Mr. Martin's model for an example of a thoroughly completed version of the assignment.  All students who did not attend the field trip must complete this assignment with a database source from the Livonia High School Library.  This assignment is due on Thursday, 2/28/2013 for students who did not attend.
--On Thursday, 2/28/2013, you will be asked to turn in evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources--make sure that you make progress between now and Thursday so that you can successfully complete this "progress check", which will be counted as a quiz score.

English 10 Honors--2/21/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a copy of the rubric and the sample essay from the front table.  First, read through the rubric in order to familiarize yourself with what to look for.  Then, purposefully read the sample essay, completing the rubric as you go.

S. the C.
--discuss scores given to the sample essay
--Directions for viewing Mike Wallace's 1959 Interview with Ayn Rand:
  • Your goal is to take down notes on your "Anthem Novella Unit--Analysis/Discussion/Writing Preparation Notes" packet under the "Philosophy in Anthem/Ayn Rand's philosophy" heading for discussion next week and potential use within your Anthem Essay Contest research paper.
  • Please note that this interview was as controversial and thought-provoking then as it is now.  View the interview with an open mind and understand that you do not have to agree with any of the ideas that Rand presents!

Video/Notetaking -- Mike Wallace's 1959 Interview with Ayn Rand
--view three video segments from YouTube and take purposeful notes

Transition -- pick up the "Historical Context" reading from the front table

Independent Reading/Notetaking -- "Historical Context"
--your goal is to take down notes on your "Anthem Novella Unit--Analysis/Discussion/Writing Preparation Notes" packet under the "Rand's influences/historical context" heading for discussion next week and potential use within your Anthem Essay Contest research paper
--read and take purposeful notes

HW Time

--Come to class on Monday with a rough outline for the essay topic that you have chosen for Anthem.

--Bring your vocabulary book to class on Monday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

English 9--2/21/2013

Jump Off
--FYI: The People vs. Minnie Wright has been postponed to 2/25/2013 as per judge's orders.
--Having now dealt with the play “Trifles” multiple times, what literary elements/terms do you “see in action” (e.g., characterization, conflict, irony, theme, symbolism, etc.)?  Come up with a couple of specific examples to share with the class.  (You might want to write your examples down!)

S. the C.

--The d
ue date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 4th (a week and a half from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.
--share out as per the J.O.

Activity -- "Trifles" Stations
  • At each station, open up the manila folder and read the directions stapled into the folder.
  • Work together to mindfully complete the task defined within the directions.  Make sure to take detailed notes for your binder.
  • You will have 12 minutes at each station.  After 12 minutes, rotate to the next station (#1 t0 #2, #2 to #3, #3 to #4, #4 to #5, and #5 to #1).
--groups announced (read list aloud)
--Transition--form work areas by moving desks/manila folders for stations delivered
--complete each of the five stations as directed
Transition -- re-row desks, pick up the "Final Countdown" graphic organizer from the front table, and return to assigned seats
Closure -- Final Countdown
  • Individually reflect over the learnings that you have had today in wrapping up Susan Glaspell's "Trifles".
  • On the graphic organizer provided, specifically respond to the following prompts:
    • What are the three most important things you have learned today?
    • What are two questions you would still like answered?
    • What is one way what you have learned connects with what you knew before?
--Your "Final Countdown" graphic organizer will be collected at the end of class.

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability. The due date for submission is March 4th (a week and a half from today).
--A "Trifles" Mini-test in the near future is not outside of the realm of possibility, so carefully study all of your notes (especially those from today's stations activity)!
--Bring your vocabulary book to class next time.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Senior English--2/15/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a laptop cart, head to your desk, and log in.
--Receive both a permission slip and an index card from Mr. Martin.
--After five minutes, we will get started!

S. the C.
--create list of students attending field trip and rough thesis statements
--agenda/HW (permission slip pointed out, purpose of index card explained, information from whiteboard about what to accomplish today shared, parameters for work block established [e.g., no talking, music played, etc.])


--Make sure that you have your signed permission slip for the field trip next Friday.
--Continue progressing through the assignment--only you truly know what you need to do so that you do not fall behind!