Tuesday, March 26, 2013

English 9--4/10/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up the "Dragonsong Chs. 6-8 Review/Discussion -- Literature Circle Roles" sheet from the front table.
--If you did not meet with Mr. Martin last class about your Ch. 4 writing piece, take out the writing piece, as more meeting will occur later in today's block.

S. the C.
--read directions purposefully, considering what role(s) work(s) best for you and asking clarifying questions when necessary
--groups (via a drawing of cards) and characters assigned

Discussion Preparation -- Dragonsong Chs. 6-8 Review--Literature Circles
--in small groups, assign roles and brainstorm (10 mins.)
--return to desks for independent work time--if you finish your best work with time to spare, work on a menu item from the list below:

Menu of Options:
--complete the grammar sheet for additional practice with complex sentences
--write original sentences for each of the Unit #10 vocabulary words (in your notebook, on your flashcards/split-page notes, etc.)

--re-group and share work with each other as preparation for review discussion in the future


Purpose of Meetings:
--meetings with Mr. Martin to arrive at a score for the "Chapter 4--Close Reading Paragraph (On-Demand Writing)" assignment--Mr. Martin "ballparks", peer and personal score discussed, compromise accordingly

--Finish preparing for the Unit #10 vocabulary assessment, which will take place next class.

Senior English--4/9/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a copy of "Revising Your Argumentative Essay", "Toulmin's Model of Argument", and "Terms in a Toulmin Argument" from the front table.  All of these materials are intended to help you perfect your Arguing for a Position Research Paper, which is due at the beginning of next class.

S. the C.
--Reminder: Any individuals who did not meet the Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay revisions due date for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio will receive referrals until the assignment is completed to mastery.
--highlight important aspects of three items picked up during J.O.
--remind of importance of aligning writing with rubric
--remind of basic paragraph structure (reflection garnered from Mr. Martin's most recent meetings)

Writing Workshop -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Finishing/Perfecting Writing Pieces
--do what you need to do (continue writing, self-edit/peer-edit, revise, etc.)!
--as soon as individuals who have yet to take the research skills assessment take care of business (cough, cough), Mr. Martin will be around with scored assessments for your reflection
Incentive Plan
--If you submit your final paper to Mr. Martin (in his hands!) by 2:30 on Wednesday and achieve mastery (80% or higher) with early submission, Mr. Martin will:
  • Give back points lost for either the "Source #1--Research Notes" assignment (homework/class participation score) or the "Milne Library Ticket-Out-the-Door" assignment (quiz score)--RATIONALE
  • Add three points to your final Arguing for a Position Research Paper grade--RATIONALE

--Finish the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment. This assignment, a Cumulative Writing Portfolio piece and the final major writing assignment of your Livonia High School English career, is due at the beginning of next class.  Make it a point to submit your absolute BEST WORK (you and Mr. Martin both deserve it) next class so that we have less work to do between now and the end of the school year!  Submit your paper early if the incentive plan is working for you.
--Though we will no longer be formally presenting our arguments, we will be sharing them with the class in a roundtable-type discussion, so make sure that you are well-versed in the contents of your paper for the sake of said discussion.

Monday, March 25, 2013

English 10 Honors--4/8/2013

Jump Off
--Open your vocabulary book to Unit #9. Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.

--After checking out the vocabulary words, take out your notes from last class about Tom Hooper's Les Miserables.  Read back through your notes and prepare a contribution for today's pre-movie-viewing discussion.

S. the C.


Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #9
--go over Unit #9 word list and "Whimsical Words"
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #9 assessment, which will take place on Friday.

Discussion -- Tom Hooper's Les Miserables--The First Twenty Minutes
--engage in a brief discussion as per the J.O./brainstorm potential literary analysis essay topics (as this is our "endgame")

Film -- Tom Hooper's Les Miserables
--while viewing, jot down notes for discussion/future writing
  • Track themes, historical events depicted, etc., as we will engage in literary analysis drawing meaningful connections between Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo
--The due date for submitting a revised literary analysis paragraph for the Writing Portfolio is April 24th (a little over two weeks from today)--do you want/need to revise?
--Your Ayn Rand Essay Contest writing pieces have been scored--expect the essays back soon!
--Begin preparing for the Unit #9 assessment, which will take place on Friday.  Don't forget about the "Whimsical Words"!
--Bring your vocabulary book to class next time in case it is needed for review purposes.

English 9--4/8/2013

Jump Off
--Open your vocabulary book to Unit #10. Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.

S. the C. 

Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #10
--go over Unit #10 word list
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #10 assessment, which will take place on Friday.

Writing Workshop (cont.) -- M, D, O, L, C Scoring
--finish scoring--make your score as accurate as possible and provide justification--see Mr. Martin at the front table for assistance if necessary
--once you've finished scoring, return the scored response to Mr. Martin at the front table
--scored responses handed out--read the score assigned to your response--do you agree?  If not, arrive at a score for yourself and provide justification.

Work Block/Meetings

Menu of Options:
--complete all of the Unit #10 vocabulary exercises
--make flashcards or split-page notes for the Unit #10 words (index cards and computer paper are located on the front table)
--read Chapter 8 of Dragonsong and take notes for review/discussion 
--if you are not happy with your writing piece, re-write it and arrive at a new score for yourself prior to meeting with Mr. Martin (list created on front board)
--complete the grammar sheet for additional practice with complex sentences (if you feel as if you're not quite yet a "WUBAIS master")

Purpose of Meetings:
--meetings with Mr. Martin to arrive at a score for the "Chapter 4--Close Reading Paragraph (On-Demand Writing)" assignment--Mr. Martin "ballparks", peer and personal score discussed, compromise accordingly

--Begin/continue preparing for the Unit #10 vocabulary assessment, which will take place on Friday.
--Bring your vocabulary book to class next time in case it is needed for review purposes.
--Read Chapter 8 of Dragonsong and take notes for review/discussion.

Senior English--3/27/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a copy of the rubric from the front table.
--Take out the sample essay from last class ("A Call to Action...")/pick up the sample essay ("A Call to Action...") from the front table.
S. the C.  
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is today.
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.  Return your scored writing piece to Mr. Martin.

Writing Workshop -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Rubric Familiarization/"Score-Aloud"
--Mr. Martin engages in a "score-aloud" for the sample essay entitled "A Call to Action..."--jot down "notes to self" for use when finishing your paper
--if you're looking for help in the "Meaning" category (and in some of the other categories, for that matter), this link is amazing


Transition -- "setting the table" for break (100 Goals information--what can you do over break?) and Hooked on Books (excerpt below)

From David L. Ulin's The Lost Art of Reading: Why Books Matter in a Distracted Time:

     When I say I can no longer find the necessary quiet [to read], I am engaging, I'll admit it, in hyperbole.  Or no...not hyperbole, but oversimplification, reduction, a way of building a frame around something that may resist the impulse to be framed.  And yet, this, I think, is something on which we can agree: to read, we need a certain kind of silence, an ability to filter out the noise.  That seems increasingly elusive in our overnetworked society, where every buzz and rumor is instantly blogged and tweeted, and it is not contemplation we desire but an odd sort of disctarction, distraction masquerading as being in the know.  In such a landscape, knowledge can't help but fall prey to illusion, albeit an illusion that is deeply seductive, with its promise that speed can lead us to illumination, that it is more important to react than to think deeply, that something must be attached to every bit of time.  Here, we have my reading problem in a nutshell, for books insist we take the opposite position, that we immerse, slow down.  "After September 11," Mona Simpson wrote as part of a 2001 LA Weekly roundtable on reading in wartime, "I didn't read books for the news.  Books, by their nature, are never new enough."  Simpson doesn't mean that she stopped reading; rather, at a moment when it felt as if time was on fast forward, she relied on books to pull back from the onslaught, to distance herself from the present as a way of reconnecting with a more elemental sense of who we are.

You are being given a gift today--slow down...immerse...enjoy! 


Closure -- Assign Yourself HW
--write down, put in your phone, etc. (whatever you do to remember!) what you need to do in order to progress through the research assignment--coming to class next time with a solid rough draft makes logical sense!
--share out (time permitting)

--If you have not met with Mr. Martin/demonstrated mastery on the Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay by the end of the day today (2:50 PM), expect a referral following break ("creating" time for assignment completion).
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per the homework that you assigned for yourself.  This assignment, a Cumulative Writing Portfolio piece and the final major writing assignment of your Livonia High School English career, is due on April 11th.  Class time/materials/computers will be provided on April 9th for the sake of self-editing/peer-editing and revisions, so you should come to class with a draft completed.  Make it a point to submit your absolute BEST WORK on the due date so that we have less work to do between now and the end of the school year!

English 10 Honors--3/26/2013

--during this time, meetings with Mr. Martin to go over revisions for the Writing Portfolio will occur

Jump Off
--Take out your notebook and date the page (3/26/2013).  Label this section of your notes "Tom Hooper's Les Miserables".

S. the C.
--"setting the table" for our viewing of Tom Hooper's Les Miserables:
  • Les Miserables--film based on the musical based on the 1862 novel by French author Victor Hugo (1802-1885); setting is (roughly) 1815-1832, primarily in France
  • The Count of Monte Cristo--1844 novel by French author Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870); setting is (roughly) 1815-1838, primarily in France
    • Intertextuality (e.g., similar themes, some of the same historical events depicted, etc.)!
    • Will engage in literary analysis drawing meaningful connections between Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo
Film -- Tom Hooper's Les Miserables
--while viewing, jot down notes for discussion/future writing

--The due date for submitting a revised literary analysis paragraph for the Writing Portfolio is April 24th (a little over a month from today)--do you want/need to revise?
--Bring your vocabulary book to class on Monday after break.
--Enjoy break!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

English 9--3/26/2013

Jump Off
--Take out your notebook and date the page (3/26/2013).  Label this section of your notes "M, D, O, L, C Scorer Training".

S. the C.

Writing Workshop -- M, D, O, L, C Scorer Training and Scoring
--two sample responses from other class read--Mr. Martin models scoring via "think-aloud"--jot down helpful notes for scoring a response in your notebook (as you will be scoring a response yourself during the next part of the block!)
--responses handed out--make sure that you do not get your own response, and do not tell anyone else whose response you are scoring
--engage in scoring--make your score as accurate as possible and provide justification--see Mr. Martin at the front table for assistance if necessary
--once you've finished scoring, return the scored response to Mr. Martin at the front table and READ INDEPENDENTLY (HOOKED ON BOOKS)
--scored responses handed out--read the score assigned to your response--do you agree?  If not, arrive at a score for yourself and provide justification.

--meetings with Mr. Martin to arrive at a score for the "Chapter 4--Close Reading Paragraph (On-Demand Writing)" assignment--Mr. Martin "ballparks", peer and personal score discussed, consensus built

--Read Chapters 6 & 7 by Monday, April 8th, which is our first class back following break (taking notes is highly encouraged). This will get us beyond the halfway point of the novel!
--If you are not satisfied with your score for the writing assignment from today, re-write the piece for submission at the beginning of class on Monday, April 8th. 
--Bring your vocabulary book to class on Monday after break.
--Enjoy break!

Senior English--3/25/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up the sample essay entitled "..." and a highlighter from the front table (BLOCK 1).
--Take out all of your "stations" notes from two classes ago.  Spend the first five minutes of class studying your notes quietly and independently, as an assessment based on the stations will occur today during class (BLOCK 4).

S. the C.  
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 27th (this Wednesday).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be  kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.  
--when writing your essay, make sure to (BLOCK 1):
    • properly format in MLA style
    • include all the essentials of a sound argument (e.g., an introduction that looks to "hook" the reader, a strong thesis statement that clearly states a claim and previews the main topics of the essay, counterargument and refutation paragraph[s] as per the materials from two classes ago, etc.) and avoid fallacies
    • use a variety of grammatically correct signal phrases
    • use a mix of summarized, paraphrased, and directly quoted source material, carefully avoiding plagiarism in the process
    • properly use parenthetical references that match your Works Cited page
    • constantly tie back to your thesis statement via well-reasoned, logical explanations
    • deftly incorporate Sadlier-Oxford Level G vocabulary words (but, of course, don't overdo it!)
    • follow the conventions of standard written English (especially guarding against errors related to the "big three")
    • not make any of the same mistakes you made when writing your Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay--"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time"--Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw
Writing Workshop -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Final Sample Essay (BLOCK 1)
--purposefully read "..."--highlighting/annotating as per list above

"Stations" Activity -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Creating/Improving Content (BLOCK 4)
--hold up folder and preview contents of final "station"
--mindfully complete the final "station"
--independent work time--completing the "Want to Know" column--What would you like Mr. Martin to clarify prior to today's assessment?
--Mr. Martin (hopefully) quenches the thirst for knowledge 

Assessment -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Skills Assessment (BLOCK 4)
--complete the assessment quietly and independently

Transition -- grab a computer and get logged in for today's work block (BLOCK 1/4) 

Writing Workshop -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper
--brainstorm a list of goals for today's block:
  • work on making Works Cited page
  • use your outline to write your essay, making sure to:
    • properly format in MLA style
    • include all the essentials of a sound argument (e.g., an introduction that looks to "hook" the reader, a strong thesis statement that clearly states a claim and previews the main topics of the essay, counterargument and refutation paragraph[s] as per the materials from last class, etc.) and avoid fallacies
    • use a variety of grammatically correct signal phrases
    • use a mix of summarized, paraphrased, and directly quoted source material, carefully avoiding plagiarism in the process
    • properly use parenthetical references that match your Works Cited page
    • constantly tie back to your thesis statement via well-reasoned, logical explanations
    • deftly incorporate Sadlier-Oxford Level G vocabulary words (but, of course, don't overdo it!)
    • follow the conventions of standard written English (especially guarding against errors related to the "big three")
    • not make any of the same mistakes you made when writing your Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay--"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time"--Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw

Closure -- Assign Yourself HW
--write down, put in your phone, etc. (whatever you do to remember!) what you need to do in order to progress through the research assignment 
--share out (time permitting)

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better, especially since time is running out!).  See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability.  Additionally, we can use class time on Wednesday to conduct meetings.  YOU MUST MEET WITH MR. MARTIN--YOU CANNOT JUST HAND YOUR WORK IN, DROP IT IN HIS MAILBOX, ETC.  The due date for submission is March 27th (this Wednesday).
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per the homework that you assigned for yourself.  We will most likely not have computer access again between now and the due date.  This assignment, a Cumulative Writing Portfolio piece and the final major writing assignment of your Livonia High School English career, is due on April 11th.  You will receive the scoring rubrics next class.  Make it a point to do your absolute BEST WORK the first time around so that we have less work to do between now and the end of the school year!
--We have HOOKED ON BOOKS next class--make sure to bring something good that you want to read (your Barnes & Noble book[s] if you played your cards right!)!!!

English 10 Honors--3/22/2013

Jump Off
--Get back in a circle so that we can finish sharing the stories from last class.

S. the C.

Brain Break/Review -- Pass-Back Stories Read-Aloud

Transition -- re-row desks/pick up the Unit #8 assessment from the front table

Assessment -- Vocabulary Unit #8
--complete the assessment quietly and independently--good luck!
--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection--Mr. Martin collects

--during this time, Writing Portfolio work can/should occur (so that we don't have to use as much time outside of class):
  • comment processing/revisions by hand
  • meetings with Mr. Martin 
--The due date for submitting a revised literary analysis paragraph for the Writing Portfolio is April 24th (a little over a month from today)--do you want/need to revise?
--We have HOOKED ON BOOKS (officially) on Tuesday of next week--make sure to bring your book!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

English 9--Dragonsong Discussion Notes (Chapter 3)

English 9--3/22/2013


Jump Off
--Get your materials out and ready for discussion.

S. the C.
**REMINDERIf you received a score lower than 70% on the “Complex sentences/subordinating conjunctions” assessment last week, you must take a re-quiz before the end of the day today (if you have not already done so)--make arrangements with Mr. Martin ASAP--additional preparation materials are located on the shelf next to the door above the “Grammar Hammer Extras” sign**
--If you were absent last class, you must complete the On-Demand Writing task (SEE 3/20/2013 AGENDA) ASAP.  Make arrangements with Mr. Martin.

Transition -- circle formed for discussion

Discussion -- Dragonsong Chapters 4 & 5
--engage in discussion, making sure to hit as many of the important topics as we can
--Mr. Martin takes notes on the front board under the appropriate topic headings
--don't settle for anything less than your best effort at complete notes for each of the topics

Closure -- Final Countdown (time permitting)

--Read Chapters 6 & 7 by April 8th, which is our first class back following break (taking notes is highly encouraged).  This will get us beyond the halfway point of the novel!
--Bring something good that you want to read to class again next week in case we get another opportunity to independently read.

Senior English--3/21/2013

Jump Off
--If you have not already done so, turn in your signed permission slip for the Barnes & Noble field trip by placing it on the front table (BLOCK 1).
--Grab a computer and get logged in for today's work block (BLOCK 1).

S. the C.  

--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 27th (less than one week from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be  kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.  
--Reminder: You have manila folders where Mr. Martin "stockpiles" work that has not been handed back.

"Stations" Activity -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Creating/Improving Content (BLOCK 4)

--hold up folder and preview contents of final "station"
--mindfully complete the final "station"
--independent work time--completing the "Want to Know" column--What would you like Mr. Martin to clarify prior to today's assessment?
--Mr. Martin (hopefully) quenches the thirst for knowledge 

Assessment -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Skills Assessment (BLOCK 4)

--complete the assessment quietly and independently

Transition -- grab a computer and get logged in for today's work block (BLOCK 4)

Writing Workshop -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper
--brainstorm a list of goals for today's block:
  • work on making Works Cited page
  • use your outline to write your essay, making sure to:
    • properly format in MLA style
    • include all the essentials of a sound argument (e.g., an introduction that looks to "hook" the reader, a strong thesis statement that clearly states a claim and previews the main topics of the essay, counterargument and refutation paragraph[s] as per the materials from last class, etc.) and avoid fallacies
    • use a variety of grammatically correct signal phrases
    • use a mix of summarized, paraphrased, and directly quoted source material, carefully avoiding plagiarism in the process
    • properly use parenthetical references that match your Works Cited page
    • constantly tie back to your thesis statement via well-reasoned, logical explanations
    • deftly incorporate Sadlier-Oxford Level G vocabulary words (but, of course, don't overdo it!)
    • follow the conventions of standard written English (especially guarding against errors related to the "big three")
    • not make any of the same mistakes you made when writing your Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay--"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time"--Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw

Closure -- Assign Yourself HW
--write down, put in your phone, etc. (whatever you do to remember!) what you need to do before Monday of next week in order to progress through the research assignment 
--share out (time permitting)

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better, especially since time is running out!).  See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability.  YOU MUST MEET WITH MR. MARTIN--YOU CANNOT JUST HAND YOUR WORK IN, DROP IT IN HIS MAILBOX, ETC.  The due date for submission is March 27th (less than one week from today).
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per the homework that you assigned for yourself.  We will most likely not have computer access again between now and the due date.  This assignment, a Cumulative Writing Portfolio piece and the final major writing assignment of your Livonia High School English career, is due on April 11th.  Expect to receive the scoring rubrics early next week (Mr. Martin is working on rubric revisions).  Make it a point to do your absolute BEST WORK the first time around so that we have less work to do between now and the end of the school year!
--We have HOOKED ON BOOKS next week--make sure to bring something good that you want to read (your Barnes & Noble book[s] if you play your cards right!)!!!

English 10 Honors--3/20/2013

Jump Off
--Open up your vocabulary book to Unit #8.  We will begin class today by pronouncing the words together.

S. the C.
--pronunctiation of vocabulary words

Review Activity -- Pass-Back Stories (Vocabulary Unit #8)
--directions given
--sentence starter: I've only got twenty dollars in my pocket, and...
--quick-write (5 mins.)
--RE-READ for a particular purpose (not just a re-read)
--pass stories back
--Mr. Martin draws a vocabulary word for each row
--read story in its current state--add in assigned vocabulary word (if possible)
--quick-write (5 mins.)--incorporate assigned vocabulary word (if not already added)
--repeat process...
--read finalized story in front of you and write a three-sentence summary
--in groups by row, share summaries and pick representative story to share with class via a read-aloud

Transition -- form a circle

Brain Break -- Pass-Back Stories Read-Aloud
--after read-aloud, return assessments/writing pieces--anyone need to revise for the Writing Portfolio?

--Finish preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place next class.
--The due date for submitting a revised literary analysis paragraph for the Writing Portfolio is April 24th (a little over a month from today)--do you need to revise?

English 9--3/20/2013

Jump Off
--Underneath each of the headings on the front board, jot down what you know based on the writing that we have done throughout this school year.  You will write a well-developed paragraph in class today--what should you make sure to do?

S. the C.
**REMINDER: If you received a score lower than 70% on the “Complex sentences/subordinating conjunctions” assessment last week, you must take a re-quiz during homeroom or after school before the end of this week--make arrangements with Mr. Martin ASAP--additional preparation materials are located on the shelf next to the door above the “Grammar Hammer Extras” sign**
--go over J.O.

On-Demand Writing -- Chapter 4--Close Reading Paragraph
--write a well-developed paragraph as directed (prewriting, writing, revising, and rewriting, bearing in mind M, D, O, L, C notes from the Jump Off)

Transition -- paragraph in/circle formed for discussion

Discussion -- Dragonsong Chapter 4
--engage in discussion, making sure to hit as many of the important topics as we can
--Mr. Martin takes notes on the front board under the appropriate topic headings
--don't settle for anything less than your best effort at complete notes for each of the topics

Closure -- Final Countdown (time permitting)

--Read Chapter 5 (taking notes is highly encouraged).
--We have HOOKED ON BOOKS on Friday--make sure to bring something good that you want to read!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Senior English--3/19/2013

Jump Off
--Turn in your signed permission slip for the Barnes & Noble field trip by placing it on the front table.
--Pick up the K-W-L chart from the front table.  In the box labeled "Topic", write the following: Fallacies, Writing a Counterargument and Refutation, Signal Phrases, Paraphrasing, and Incorporating Vocabulary Words.

S. the C.  
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 27th (just over one week from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.  
--Reminder: You have manila folders where Mr. Martin "stockpiles" work that has not been handed back.
--clarification of K-W-L chart topics
--independent work time--completing the "Know" column
--share out

Stations Activity -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Creating/Improving Content
--hold up folders and preview contents of stations
--form groups by drawing cards--move desks into groups
--mindfully complete the stations--highlighters are available on the front table! (8-10 mins. per station)
--re-row desks
--independent work time--completing the "Want to Know" column--What would you like Mr. Martin to clarify prior to today's assessment?
--Mr. Martin (hopefully) quenches the thirst for knowledge 

Assessment -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper--Skills Assessment
--complete the assessment quietly and independently

Closure -- "Learned"/Assign Yourself HW
--complete the "Learned" column
--turn in K-W-L chart by placing it on the front table
--write down, put in your phone, etc. (whatever you do to remember!) what you need to do before Thursday in order to progress through the research assignment 
--share out (time permitting)

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!).  See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability.  Also, we can do in-class appointments next time.  The due date for submission is March 27th (just over one week from today).
--Bring your signed Barnes & Noble field trip permission slip on Thursday if you didn't bring it today (otherwise, you won't be able to go!).
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per the homework that you assigned for yourself.  We will have the computers again on Thursday.  This assignment, a Cumulative Writing Portfolio piece and the final major writing assignment of your Livonia High School English career, is due on April 11th.

Friday, March 15, 2013

English 10 Honors--3/18/2013

Jump Off
--Create a neat stack of essays on the front table for Mr. Martin's grading purposes.
--Pick up a manila envelope and a permanent marker (you'll have to share the markers) from the front table.  Address the envelope using the "Anthem Essay Contest" address provided on the front board.  Put your home address in the upper lefthand corner.

S. the C.
--this week is a vocabulary week--make sure to begin learning the Unit #8 words and "Whimsical Words"
--go over any last-minute mailing preparations (SEE FRONT BOARD)

Field Trip -- Livonia, NY Post Office

Brain Break

--See you on Wednesday!

English 9--3/18/2013

Jump Off
--Spend a few minutes studying for the forthcoming Unit #9 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently while Mr. Martin takes care of attendance. Mr. Martin will be around momentarily with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--When you finish with your quiz, look through your "Chapter 3--Notetaking/Discussion Preparation" sheet in order to re-wrap your mind around your thoughts and ideas. While doing so, plan some contributions for today's discussion (THINK).
--SEE MR. MARTIN: Hunter Dalberth

S. the C.
**REMINDER: If you received a score lower than 70% on the “Complex sentences/subordinating conjunctions” assessment last week, you must take a re-quiz during homeroom or after school before the end of this week--make arrangements with Mr. Martin ASAP--additional preparation materials are located on the shelf next to the door above the “Grammar Hammer Extras” sign**
--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection/Mr. Martin collects

Discussion Preparation -- PAIR
--pair up and share your ideas with each other

Transition -- discussion protocol (one contribution minimum/three contributions maximum--no third contribution until all have contributed once :))/"Discussion Contribution Rating Scale" reminder, form a circle

Discussion -- Dragonsong Chapter 3 (SHARE)
--engage in discussion as per the protocol, making sure to hit as many of the "Pay Attention To..." topics as we can
--Mr. Martin takes notes on the front board under the appropriate topic headings
--your "Chapter 3--Notetaking/Discussion Preparation" packet is for your notes--don't settle for anything less than your best effort at complete notes for each of the topics

Closure -- Final Countdown (time permitting)

HW Time (time permitting)
--materials analysis

--Read Chapter 4 of Dragonsong and purposefully complete the "Chapter 4--Notetaking/Discussion Preparation" sheet OR the "Chapter 4--Close Reading Practice/Discussion Preparation" sheet.  Expect both an assessment and a discussion next class.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Senior English--3/14/2013

Jump Off
--Grab a computer and get yourself logged in for today's work block.
--Pick up the field trip information from the front table.

S. the C.
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 27th (8 school days from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.
--reminder: you have manila folders where Mr. Martin "stockpiles" work that has not been handed back
--briefly discuss the Barnes & Noble field trip

Writing Workshop -- Arguing for a Position Research Paper
--What is Mr. Martin up to?
--brainstorm a list of goals for today’s block:
*create a preliminary thesis statement (Mr. Martin will be calling remaining students up one-by-one to take a look)
*work on making Works Cited page
*continue outlining in Microsoft Word

Closure -- Assign Yourself HW
--write down, put in your phone, etc. (whatever you do to remember!) what you need to do before Thursday in order to progress through the research assignment--Mr. Martin will wander through to see your plans
--share out

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability. The due date for submission is March 27th (8 school days from today).
--Bring your signed Barnes & Noble field trip permission slip next class.
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per the homework you assigned for yourself.
--Next class, we will deal with material that will help you create/improve the content of your essay.  Following our work, there will be an assessment about both essay format and essay content.  Make sure to review your six-question review sheet about MLA format, parenthetical references, and Works Cited pages.