Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Senior English--3/8/2013

Jump Off
--Spend a few minutes studying for the forthcoming Unit #7 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently while Mr. Martin takes care of attendance.  Mr. Martin will be around momentarily with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently.  Good luck!
**Mr. Martin will call up students one at a time to continue checking the homework due on 2/28 (evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources)**

S. the C.
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 27th (2 1/2 weeks from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.
--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection

--Pick up the "Skills Review Jump Off" from the front table. Back at your desk, read the directions. Mr. Martin will be around in a few with the sample essay so that you can complete the task as directed.—BLOCK 4 ONLY (IN BLOCK 1, HAND MATERIALS BACK FROM LAST CLASS)

Instruction #1 -- Research Skills/Pre-assessment Self-Reflection
--go over answers (mark those you got wrong, BUT FIX!)--direct instruction as necessary--DID NOT FINISH FROM HERE DOWN IN BLOCK 1--PICK BACK UP GOING OVER ANSWERS WITH #2
--Transition--row-by-row, pick up pre-assessment ScanTrons from Mr. Martin
--compare today's work to pre-assessment--Did you do better? What do you still need to master?

Transition -- pick up the "Creating an Effective Thesis Statement" sheet from the front table

Instruction #2 -- Creating an Effective Thesis Statement
--define our purpose--Why are we reading through this sheet together? At the end of class today, I can...
--oral reading (rationale explained) as per defined purpose
--Mr. Martin models with his topic
--independent work time (**Mr. Martin will continue calling up students one at a time to check the homework due on 2/28 [evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources]**)
--share out--get some sample thesis statements on the board and improve (if necessary)

Closure -- Assign Yourself HW
--write down, put in your phone, etc. (whatever you do to remember!) what you need to do before Tuesday in order to progress through the research assignment--Mr. Martin will wander through to see your plans
--share out

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability. The due date for submission is March 27th (2 1/2 weeks from today).
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per the homework you assigned for yourself.
--We will have computer access both class days next week (though not necessarily for the whole block).