Sunday, December 9, 2012

Senior English--12/10/2012

Jump Off
--Pick up an index card from the front table.  On the index card, write your name and your e-mail address.  Underneath this information, make a list of all of the classes that you take this year.  Keep this index card, as you’ll need it again at the end of class.
--Make sure to learn the Unit #5 vocabulary words, as the quiz will take place this Friday.
--Spend the first few minutes of class independently brainstorming what meaningful objects/possessions you have that are important to you and that you could easily talk about in front of the class.  Put another way, if Mr. Martin were an elementary school teacher and told you that we were having “Show and Tell” tomorrow, what might you bring in?  (Mr. Martin will present an example momentarily.)
--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin ASAP! :)

S. the C.
--Mr. Martin shares list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio--due date is December 13th (this Thursday--three days from today)
--Reminder: Any essay that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be given back to Mr. Martin for submission today

Speech Delivery Activity -- Voice Control
--discuss importance of volume and tone in conveying meaning--Mr. Martin models
--students stand up at desks--practice altering volume and tone in order to convey meaning (loud, quiet, confusion, contrition, excitement, indifference, fear, questioning, sarcasm, seriousness, somberness, urgency)--Mr. Martin models first
--groups of 3-4 created via cards
--in groups, go around the circle and say the name of school subject given--others in group guess feelings toward subject based on volume and tone

Transition -- return to desks--take out notebooks, date the page (12/10/2012), and label notes “Formula for Success”

Speech Content Instruction -- The “Formula for Success”--Overview and Point-Support
--the “Formula for Success” PowerPoint (slides 1-6)
--independent Point-Support planning time for Show and Tell Speech (e.g., one anecdote)--Mr. Martin models

Transition -- get back into same groups from earlier in class

Application Activity -- Show and Tell Speech--Point-Support
--students deliver planned Point-Support in small groups as practice
--Transition--return to desks
--card drawn--student delivers Point-Support in front of class--Mr. Martin FlipVideos (repeat until five students have spoken)

Closure -- What was your biggest “take away” from today’s class?
--craft a response to the question above for submission on an index card 
--Make sure to learn the Unit #5 vocabulary words, as the quiz will take place this Friday.
--Be working on revisions of the College Admission/Job Interview/Military Essay for your Cumulative Writing Portfolio--the due date is December 13th (this Thursday--three days from today).
--Continue progressing through the Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay assignment--Mr. Martin is available for appointments pertaining to this assignment as well!
--Purposefully complete the reading from Speak Up! about volume and tone (optional).
--If you spoke in front of the class today, view your video with this question in mind—What is my ultimate goal for the public speaking unit?