Sunday, November 18, 2012

Senior English--11/19/2012

Jump Off 
--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!).
--Spend the first few minutes of class doing some last-minute studying for the Unit #3 vocabulary quiz.

S. the C.
--Mr. Martin shares list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio--due date is December 13th (an admirable personal goal would be to “take care of business” before Thanksgiving Break!)
-- Reminder: Any essay that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be given back to Mr. Martin for submission today.
--Reminder: “Drawing Study Strategy”

Assessment -- Vocabulary Unit #3
--quiz handed out--complete quietly and independently (Block 4: Incentive from Unit #2 performance given out!)
--trade and grade--reflect

Transition -- quizzes in/writing assignment packet and a highlighter up

Writing Workshop -- Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay (Cumulative Writing Portfolio Assignment #2)
--purposeful reading of assignment sheet, paying particularly close attention to “Assignment”--discuss
--purposeful reading of sources (independent/oral)--discuss
--take a look at Works Cited page--match entries to sources, review how to determine parenthetical references using Works Cited page entries, write parenthetical references at top of two sources
--For homework, you may want to begin finding details from Tuesdays with Morrie for use within your essay--SEE MR. MARTIN IF YOU NEED TO RE-SIGNOUT A BOOK.

Brain Break (cont.) -- Tuesdays with Morrie
--watch film from the point at which we left off last class

--Be working on revisions of the College Admission/Job Interview/Military Essay for your Cumulative Writing Portfolio--the due date is December 13thI hope to have some submissions from you before Thanksgiving Break! 
--You may want to begin finding details from Tuesdays with Morrie for use within your essay--SEE MR. MARTIN IF YOU NEED TO RE-SIGNOUT A BOOK.
--Enjoy break--we will continue working on the writing assignment and begin the Public Speaking Unit when we return!
--FYI: Breaks are a great opportunity to pull out the ol' 100 Goals List and see what you can accomplish!