Saturday, October 26, 2013

English 9--10/28/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a copy of the reading from the front table (a piece of historical nonfiction titled "A Polar Controversy").  Write your name at the top.  Then, survey the piece by making a prediction based on the title and locating what you believe to be the thesis statement.  Does a logical connection exist between the title and the thesis?  If necessary, raise your hand and advocate for your understanding of these directions!
--If you did not submit your Ticket-Out-the-Door at the end of last class, you must do so now by placing your work in the black basket on the front table.
--As you work, Mr. Martin will be around to discuss with all of you/return your Personal Mission Statements.

S. the C.
--Today, we will work on:
    • determining an author's purpose in a text (albeit briefly).
    • determining the meaning of an unfamiliar word based on grades 9-10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.  More specifically, we will work on using context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word.  Do you see the link between this work and that which we completed last class (close reading)?  THIS STANDARD WILL BE WORKED ON AGAIN NEXT CLASS AND ASSESSED VIA THE "COMPLETING THE SENTENCE" SECTION OF THE UNIT #3 VOCABULARY QUIZ ON FRIDAY.
    • consulting specialized reference materials (e.g., a vocabulary book) to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning and/or its part of speech.
    • participating effectively in a collaborative discussion, building on others' ideas and expressing our own clearly and persuasively.  MR. MARTIN WILL SHARE MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THIS STANDARD IN THE FUTURE.  THIS STANDARD WILL BE ASSESSED TODAY VIA THE "DISCUSSION CONTRIBUTION RATING SCALE."
    • citing strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text (building, again, on our work from last class).  THIS STANDARD WILL ALSO BE ASSESSED VIA THE "DISCUSSION CONTRIBUTION RATING SCALE."
    • demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and punctuation when writing, specifically using a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses.  TODAY'S TICKET-OUT-THE-DOOR WILL RE-ASSESS THIS STANDARD.  DID THE HOMEWORK HELP YOU IMPROVE SINCE LAST CLASS?

--briefly go over the Jump Off (quick review of SQ3R elements worth implementing on any piece of nonfiction)
--set the purpose for reading of nonfiction piece: right on the reading itself, do your best to define each of the bolded words using prior knowledge and context clues, annotating the text accordingly--MR. MARTIN DELIBERATELY MODELS for the word "abridges" and begins a list of "Methods of Determining Unfamiliar Words & Common Context Clues/What to Look for" on the front board (take notes--today is 10/28/2013)

Skill-Building/Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #3
--students engage in purposeful reading as per directions
--Mr. Martin elicits a potential definition from a student for the words "surmount" through "pilfering" and writes the potential meanings on the front board--how did you arrive at your definition?--STUDENTS REASON/ENGAGE WITH THE TEXT AT THE SMARTBOARD AND CONTINUE ADDING TO THE LIST ON THE FRONT BOARD--KEEP TAKING NOTES!
--go over the Unit #3 word list (pages 34-36)--read word aloud, have students repeat the word, and then read the part of speech/definition/sample sentence--repeat this process for the entire list
In order to actively engage, students should be:
a.) writing the words on the line for each sentence
b.) comparing actual definitions to "guesses" made using prior knowledge/context clues--how did you do?!
c.) putting a star next to "foreign" words (those that will definitely need to be studied).
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #3 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday (11/1/2013).

Discussion -- Frank R. Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger?"
--go over the discussion protocol/"Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"
--Transition -- form an ALPHABETICAL circle out of the desks
--engage in discussion via the protocol--having now read the story one-two times-ish, we ought to have a lot to talk about!: 
  • initial questions/thoughts formulated during gist reading
  • annotations from close reading (seemingly significant/important details/sections, ah-ha! moments had when clarifying vocabulary words and/or re-contextualizing, basic clarifying questions, "deep" questions that probe reasoning, connections, other thoughts, etc.)
  • responses to the Ticket-Out-the-Door of last class
Transition -- re-column the desks, take out a scrap of lined paper for the closure piece, and write your name at the top of the paper

Closure -- Today, I learned...
--via PowerPoint, Mr. Martin shares two models of semicolon use from last class and labels S (subject)/V (verb) combos--what does the semicolon do again?!

--Directions: Reflect back upon today's class.  Then, complete the sentence-starter above by writing no more than once sentence.  However, in the sentence that you write, you must properly use a semicolon and label your S/V combos.  Feel free to look at your homework for assistance.

--A more formal assessment of grammar skills is still on the horizon, so be reviewing any helpful notes and comma splice/semicolon materials.  Also, self-monitor your own understanding--perhaps you would benefit from seeing Mr. Martin for some extra help/additional materials?
Mandatory assignment:
--Begin preparing for the Unit #3 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday (11/1/2013). Vocabulary review focusing on study strategies and context clues will take place next class. Make sure that you truly know the words, as Mr. Martin will be adding a section to the quiz that requires you to write your own sentences for a few of the words using enough context to clearly show that you have incorporated the chosen words into your own vocabulary. ALSO, REMEMBER THAT WORDS FROM PREVIOUS UNITS ARE "FAIR GAME" ON ANY VOCABULARY QUIZ THEREAFTER (THOUGH MR. MARTIN WILL NOT INCLUDE ANY WORDS FROM PAST UNITS ON THE SENTENCE-WRITING SECTION OF THE EXAM)!
Optional assignment:
--Complete the "Choosing the Right Word" exercise (pages 37 & 38).  Underline the context clues that you help determine which word you select for each sentence (skill-building).