Wednesday, October 16, 2013

English 9--10/18/2013

Jump Off
--Turn in your Personal Mission Statement by placing it in the black basket on the front table.  If your name is not on your Personal Mission Statement, either add your name or write your name on a Post-it to stick to your creation.  Later in class (if necessary), Mr. Martin will ask you questions ("grill you," if you will) about your Personal Mission Statement--be ready to defend your creation!

S. the C.
--Today, we will work on:
    • reviewing/defining/capturing for our notes the five basic elements of plot.  TODAY'S TICKET-OUT-THE-DOOR WILL CHECK ON YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF AT LEAST ONE BASIC PLOT ELEMENT.
    • understanding what close reading "looks like."  
    • determining the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyzing the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).  TODAY'S TICKET-OUT-THE-DOOR WILL ALSO ASSESS THIS STANDARD.
    • citing strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.  TODAY'S TICKET-OUT-THE-DOOR WILL ALSO ASSESS THIS STANDARD.  
Transition -- take out your copy of "The Lady or the Tiger?" from last class

Mini-Lesson (cont.)--Reading #1 -- Frank R. Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger?"
--memory jog/set the tone--What did we accomplish last class?
--independent think time--Which of the five basic plot elements can you define from memory?
--take out your notebook and date the page (10/18/2013)--label the page "Plot Review--'The Lady or the Tiger?'"
--create definitions of each of the plot elements and label the plot diagram drawn on the front board accordingly--take notes!
--move items from bulleted list from last class into appropriate areas on the plot diagram (plot review)--add additional items to the diagram as appropriate--take notes!
--ClosureWhen reading for the gist, what are you essentially doing?

Mini-Lesson--Purposeful Reading #2 -- Frank R. Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger?"
--rationale: close reading (typical of academic reading and career reading) vs. gist reading (typical of pleasure reading, and yet...)
--connect back to SQ3R
--set our purpose for our second reading of "The Lady or the Tiger?" via an exemplar/sample annotation method/modeling (close reading)
--Mr. Martin assigns a paragraph or paragraphs for close reading/annotating
--independent work time--close reading/annotating of assigned paragraph (DURING THIS TIME, MR. MARTIN WILL DISCUSS WITH YOU/RETURN YOUR PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENTS)
--oral reading of story paragraph-by-paragraph--students share annotations from close reading--Mr. Martin encourages a "deeper dig" via prompting, follow-up questions, etc.

Transition -- pick up an index card from the front table

Closure -- Ticket-Out-the-Door
--After first writing your name on your index card, do the following in complete sentences (Mr. Martin has modeled the directions right here for you in italics): 
  • Define in your own words one of the vocabulary words from "The Lady or the Tiger?" that you circled (or boxed, or whatever...) when engaging in close reading.  
"Self-communing" basically means talking to oneself.  For example, if I were trying to make a difficult decision and did so by way of self-communing, I wouldn't talk to my friends, parents, wife, or anyone else about the issue--I would decide to do what I, personally, saw fit after thinking it over in my own mind.
  • Explain how Frank R. Stockton's use of the word you have chosen relates to one of the five elements of plot reviewed earlier in class.  Cite evidence from the text (in addition to the word you have defined) in your response. 
Frank R. Stockton uses the term "self-communing" during the exposition of the story.  During the exposition of a story, which occurs at the beginning, readers learn essential background information, such as who the characters are and when and where the story takes place (setting).  In the exposition of "The Lady of the Tiger?", not only are readers being introduced to the "semi-barbaric king" as a character, but readers are also learning a bit about his personality--the idea of the king "self-communing" suggests that the king essentially does whatever he pleases.  This early characterization of the king will likely have implications later in the story, especially considering that he is about 50% savage.  Will he later make a savage decision without consulting anyone else but himself?

--File away your copy of "The Lady or the Tiger?"  Don't lose it!
--Look back through your "The Great Discovery" document and star the one item that you want to share/don't mind sharing with the class AND/OR prepare to share your Personal Mission Statement with the class.
--Form an alphabetical circle out of the desks. Have your "The Great Discovery" document and/or your Personal Mission Statement handy and be ready to share.

Brain Break/Teambuilder/Sharpening the Saw -- "The Great Discovery"/Personal Mission Statement Community Circle--Finding All We Have in Common
--as sharing occurs, pay attention to all of the commonalities that exist from person to person to person--what do we all have in common?

Transition -- re-column the desks

Mandatory assignment:
--Bring your copy of "The Lady or the Tiger?" again next class.  We will spend at least one more class wrapping up this piece of literature.
--Look at your Personal Mission Statement at least once between now and next class.
--Enjoy the weekend--take that saw and sharpen it!
--At this point, you are expected to have "mastered" the contents of the "Deepening Our Understanding..." notes document (especially Habits 1-4).  Expect Mr. Martin to check on your knowledge of, understanding of, and ability to apply the information sometime soon (especially considering he has yet to do so)!