Wednesday, October 2, 2013

English 10 Honors--10/7/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up a copy of the reading titled "Every Trip is a Quest (Except When It's Not)."  This reading is a chapter from Thomas C. Foster's How to Read Literature Like a Professor.  Quietly and independently, read the chapter in order to get the "gist." (What does this directive mean?)

--After completing the reading, open your vocabulary book to page 24.  Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.  Also, make sure that you familiarize yourself  with the "Whimsical Words."

S. the C.
--pronounce each of the Unit #2 vocabulary words (pages 24-26) and the "Whimsical Words"
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #2 quiz, which will take place next Tuesday (10/15/2013).  Make sure to familiarize yourself with the “Whimsical Words.”

Mini-Lesson -- The Literary Quest
--What is the gist of Foster's chapter?--discuss the J.O.
--take out your notebook and date the page (10/7/2013)--label the page "The Literary Quest"--define our purpose for the second read (Of what does a literary quest consist?  How does Homer's Odyssey follow the formula?)
--second read: oral reading as per defined purpose
--share out--add to notes as necessary

Transition -- pick up the Ticket-Out-the-Door sheet and the "Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth—Background, Instruction, and Application" document (HW assignment) from the front table

Closure -- T-O-D
  • Complete the Ticket-Out-the-Door as directed.
  • When you finish, place your sheet on the front table and get started on the homework.

--Begin preparing for the Unit #2 quiz, which will take place next Tuesday (10/15/2013).  Make sure to familiarize yourself with the “Whimsical Words.”  It might be a good idea to read "Fashion Victims" on pages 22 and 23 as a starting point (similar to what we did in class with Unit #1).
--Mindfully complete the "Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth—Background, Instruction, and Application" document.  You should come to class next time both a "master" of Campbell's ideas and ready to discuss The Alchemist one last time through the lens of the monomyth.