Tuesday, May 21, 2013

English 10 Honors--5/24/2013

Jump Off
--Spend the first few minutes of class studying for the forthcoming Unit #12 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Mr. Martin will be around after study time with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--When you finish with your quiz, take out your notebook and begin responding to the following prompt in a well-developed paragraph:

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how much literary merit does Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo have?  Convincingly justify your ranking via explanation, calling upon specific textual evidence.

S. the C.

--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection/Mr. Martin collects

Close Reading/Discussion -- “Death, Resurrection, and Fall in Dumas’ Comte de Monte-Cristo
--discuss the prompt posted following the assessment
--discussion based on the following questions: What is close reading? AND What is literary criticism?
--engage in independent initial reading of the piece of literary criticism--your goal is to “get the gist”
--engage in brief discussion based on initial reading
--Mr. Martin delivers paragraph Post-its
--closely re-read the paragraph(s) that correspond(s) with the number(s) written on the Post-it.  (For example, if your Post-it says “2 & 3”, purposefully re-read the second and third paragraphs of the piece of literary criticism, underlining/annotating/etc.  If you have a SmartPhone, feel free to use it appropriately.)
--go through article paragraph-by-paragraph--discuss
--re-visit English 10 literature goals--post novel themes up on the board
--continue discussing--wrap up the novel (Mr. Martin will be using the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"—reminder: an overall discussion score will be given for all students at the end of Qtr. 4)
--if time still remains, we will consider the intertextuality that exists between the novel and Stephen King's Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption (enrichment)

--The assessment for The Count of Monte Cristo will take place the class after next (Quotation Identification)--finish preparing--how?!