Sunday, February 26, 2012

English 10 Honors--2/27/2012

Jump Off
–Find your name card and take a seat.
–Spend a few minutes responding to the following questions in your notebook: 
What is the most positive thing that has happened to you in the past three months?
What else have you been up to lately?

S. the C. – agenda/rationale/HW, discussion directions

Transition – form a circle

Discussion – Let’s Catch Up
–engage in discussion as per Jump Off

Transition – re-row desks

Instruction – Vocabulary Unit #5
–go over word list and figure out supplemental words from online list (where did we leave off?!)
–complete Synonyms/Antonyms—work on additional exercises if waiting for peers
–go over Syn./Ant.
–for HW, familiarize yourself with the supplemental words and begin preparing for the quiz—study options?

Looking Ahead – What Next?
–talk about our options for the next 3 ½ months and come up with a plan

–familiarize yourself with the supplemental words and begin preparing for the quiz (Friday)