Monday, November 28, 2016

English 9--11/29/2016 & 11/30/2016

Jump Off (3-5 mins.)
--Pick up both of the following from the front table: 

  • a copy of the marked-up SMART Notebook document from the Block 1 ACE and Block 2 ACE share-outs/discussions that occurred last class
  • a highlighter
Purposefully read the annotations provided within the document in order to...
  • highlight anything that you didn't "pick up on" during your purposeful rereading/our discussions
  • decide whether or not your agree, disagree, or... with the following claim:
    • The Stage 1 epigraph of Karen Russell's short story "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" accurately depicts the girls' actual experiences during the first section of the story.
S. the C. (5-8 mins.)
--"Jump Off" directions MODELED after attendance

Old Business -- Take a Stand--"St. Lucy's..."--Stage 1 (10 mins.)

--reminder of the protocol for Take a Stand (with a twist!):
  • Momentarily, I will make a claim about Stage 1 of "St. Lucy's...":
    • If you agree with the claim, STAND ON your desk chair.
    • If you neither fully agree nor disagree with the claim and instead have a more precise claim of your own, STAY SEATED in your desk chair. 
    • If you disagree with the claim, SIT ON THE FLOOR next to your desk.
--The claim: The Stage 1 epigraph of Karen Russell's short story "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" accurately depicts the girls' actual experiences during the first section of the story.
--show your position
--cold-calling--students randomly selected to briefly explain their thoughts (no more than three sentences)
--Anything else from Stage 1?!

Transition (3-5 mins.)
--purposeful reading tasks assigned for Stage 2 (see class rosters)

"St. Lucy's..."--Stage 2

"THINK": Purposeful Reading (15-20 mins.)
--purposeful oral reading of Stage 2 of the short story--complete your assigned purposeful reading task to the best of your ability
--continue completing your assigned purposeful reading task via rereading, filling in your document, looking up words, etc.

"GROUP": Share-Out, Note-taking, and Planning Discussion Contributions (10-15 mins.)
--review our classroom "Compact for Group Work"
--share the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"--individual contributions to today's share-out/discussion will be assessed using this scale
--What is our ultimate purpose for re-reading and discussing the story again?!
--Transition--form groups by task
--share annotations and notes with each other, add to personal notes, and decide who will share what during the forthcoming share-out/discussion, bearing in mind the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"--MODEL WITH A GROUP OF STUDENTS

Transition -- re-column the desks, return highlighters, and pick up an index card for today's "Closure" (2 mins.)

"SHARE": Share-Out/Discussion (until 5 mins. remain)
--share-out paragraph-by-paragraph in the following order:

  • structure
  • character
  • theme
  • diction
--as you and your peers share and I mark up the text on the SMART Board, do the same on your personal copy of "St. Lucy's..."

Closure -- "During today's work with "St. Lucy's...," I realized/concluded/learned that..." (5 mins.)
--write your name at the top of the lined side of your index card
--complete the sentence-starter above--try to be specific, please!

HW (Class Preparation)
--Finish reading your free reading book by the beginning of class on Wednesday, 12/7 (BDF) or Thursday, 12/8 (ACE).
  • One-pagers are due at the end of class on Wednesday, 12/7 (BDF) or Thursday, 12/8 (ACE) for those of you who have yet to complete one. We will use some class time on that day to complete one-pagers. Students who have already submitted a one-pager will engage in free reading during this time. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.