Thursday, November 3, 2016

English 10 Honors--11/8/2016

Jump Off (12-15 mins.)
--Turn in your Article of the Week #2 document by placing your best work in the black basket on the front table.
--Take a look at the list below.  If you are missing any of the items on this list, pick the items up at the front table:

  • your scored and commented-upon copy of Article of the Week #1
  • a half-index card
  • your scored and commented-upon “Thematic Writing Assignment—Partner Interviews” essay
  • the “Feedback Analysis: Thematic Writing Assignment—Partner Interviews” document
--Come up with a random nickname for yourself that I can use to convey information to the class in a non-threatening manner (e.g., Jonah Martin--"Max Tivoli"). Write both your first and last name and the nickname on your half-index card.
--Pick up a copy of the "The Grammar Hammer" document from the front table.  Spend the first 10 or so minutes of class carefully completing the document in order to review our next set of common errors.
--As you work, I will...

  • collect your nicknames.
  • return your "The Grammar Hammer--Parts of Speech--Post-test" document.  First, please note whether or not I have drawn any asterisks on your document next to #3 or #7.  Then, take note of the following:
    • If you did not earn a score indicative of mastery, consider taking the initiative to discuss your performance with me so that we can come up with a plan for reaching mastery.

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio shared:

  • Would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during my office hours (posted on the front board)?

--ceremonial dropping of the hammer/slides prepared for next activity

Review/Instruction and Informal Assessment -- The Grammar Hammer--Missing Comma in a Compound Sentence/Unnecessary Comma Before a Coordinating Conjunction & Missing Comma in a Complex Sentence/Unnecessary Comma Before a Subordinating Conjunction (20-25 mins.)
--rules/errors modeled on the front board with the following two sentences:
  • School was fun in kindergarten.
  • I still cried at least once a week.
--Q & A about the "Jump Off"
--directions given for informal assessment
--Transition--pick up a tile, an Expo marker, and a scrap for erasing from the front bookshelf--be kind to my markers!
--indicate responses as directed by the PowerPoint slides/take any necessary notes in preparation for the assessment next class
--For HW, prepare for the Grammar Hammer assessment stemming from today's work.  You must really “know your way around” these two errors and fixing them in order to be successful on said assessment.  Also, as you work on improving your most recent essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, RE-READ based on your understanding of today's lesson in order to see if you can make any improvements in the Control of Conventions category!

Transition -- return materials to the front of the classroom and take out your Article of the Week #1 document (2-3 mins.)

Application Activity -- The Grammar Hammer/Article of the Week #1: RE-READing (5-8 mins.)
--spend 5 minutes RE-READing your written response and fixing any errors that you find pertaining to today's Grammar Hammer work
--Please share some of your revisions on the front board.  I have started an area on the whiteboard where this sharing can take place.  Thank you!

Writing Workshop – Thematic Writing Assignment—Partner Interviews (remainder of class)
--read the “Feedback Analysis: Thematic Writing Assignment—Partner Interviews” document directions
--use of the “Feedback Analysis” document modeled with a student introduction
--process feedback and handwrite initial revisions for your thematic essay
  • During this time, students with specific questions can meet with me for no more than four minutes at a time as per the order established on the front board.
Closure (time permitting)
--whole-group share-out (“I wrote…in the _____ category…” or “What exactly do you mean by…?”--items added under the appropriate categories on the front board and modeling where appropriate--CONSIDER JOTTING DOWN ANY HELPFUL NOTES ON YOUR “FEEDBACK ANALYSIS” SHEET OR ON YOUR ESSAY ITSELF
HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete a total of 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 11/10.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #3, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the “Membean Routine” document).
HW (Class Preparation)
--Prepare for the Grammar Hammer assessment stemming from today's work, which will take place at the beginning of class next time (Thursday, 11/10).  You must really "know your way around" these two errors and fixing them in order to be successful on said assessment.  Also, with each new Grammar Hammer assessment administered, I reserve the right to "check on" your understanding of anything grammar-related that we have already worked on this school year.  Here are the directions for each of the sections of the assessment:
  • For each of the following sentences (all taken from George Orwell's Animal Farm), highlight the part of speech as directed.
  • Read the paragraph below about the performance of the Syracuse Orange men’s basketball team at the beginning of the season a few years ago in order to get the gist.  Then, RE-READ the paragraph.  Fix any errors related to comma usage with coordinating conjunctions.  If a necessary comma is missing, add a LARGE comma in the appropriate area.  If a comma is unnecessary, put a LARGE X over the comma.
  • Carefully read each of the sentences below.  If a sentence contains an error, fix the error so that the sentence is correct.  If a sentence is correct as written, write the letter C in the margin next to the sentence.
  • Create your own complex sentence below using the correct punctuation for the provided subordinating conjunction (WUBAIS word)—YOU MUST PUT THE WUBAIS WORD IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SENTENCE!
  • Create your own complex sentence below using the correct punctuation for the provided subordinating conjunction (WUBAIS word)—YOU MUST PUT THE WUBAIS WORD AT THE BEGINNING OF YOUR SENTENCE!
--The due date for submitting a revised Thematic Writing Assignment—Partner Interviews essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is Friday, 12/8 (approximately one month from today)YOU MUST schedule a meeting with me to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol.  When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
  • As you work on improving your essay, RE-READ based on your understanding of today's grammar hammer lesson and see if you can make any improvements in the Control of Conventions category!
--Read your free reading book for at least 15 minutes between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until the first week of December to finish your book.