Thursday, September 11, 2014

English 10 Honors--9/16/2014

Jump Off (2 mins.)
--Pick up the document containing Article of the Week #1 sample work from the front table. Part of today's class involves a look at this exemplary work in preparation for the next AoW.

S. the C. (5 mins.)


Activity -- Take a Stand/Article of the Week (15 mins.)

--reminder of the protocol for Take a Stand:
  • Momentarily, I will make a debatable statement:
    • If you agree with the statement, STAND UP next to your desk.
    • If you strongly agree with the statement, STAND ON your desk chair.
    • If you disagree with the statement, STAY SEATED in your desk chair.
    • If you strongly disagree with the statement, SIT ON THE FLOOR next to your desk.
--My claim: Social media sites are  not an effective tool for individuals looking to make truly meaningful contributions to society (e.g., as a tool for fundraising, a forum for social activism, etc.). 
--show your position
--cold-calling--students randomly selected to briefly explain their stand (no more than three sentences)
--Transition--pick up the "English 10 Honors--Article of the Week #2 (9/15-9/19)--2014-2015 School Year" document from the front table
--take a brief look at exemplary work--expectations/methods of assessment further defined
--For HW, begin your work with Article of the Week #2, which is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 9/22.  This task will include purposefully reading the directions in the box at the top of the page and completing your best work with regard to the directions.

Teambuilder/Research/Writing Workshop -- Thematic Writing Assignment--Partner Interviews (45 mins.)

--What is a theme statement?
--gather additional information about your partner (yet AGAIN--now with a better understanding of the assignment!)--DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE DIRECT QUOTATION COMPONENT OF THE ASSIGNMENT!
--Transition--return to desks and take out a clean sheet of lined paper--label the page "My First Major English 10 Honors Writing Assignment--Here Goes!"
--Mr. Martin shares two-three introductions from sample essays from the past:
  • What does it take to craft a quality introduction?
  • List of beginning methods crafted on the front board and copied into notebooks
--quick-write your hook (10 minutes)--Do we need to review how quick writes work?
--review the purpose, structure, etc. of a thesis statement--Do you have a quality thesis statement yet?  Should you?

HW Time

--Begin your work with Article of the Week #2, which is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 9/22.  This task will include purposefully reading the directions in the box at the top of the page and completing your best work with regard to the directions.
--Finish getting in touch with your partner and engaging in the "research" process (especially now that your purpose is clearer). The more intriguing information you have gathered about your partner by the beginning of next week, the better! Expect to "officially" begin the writing process in class next time.
--Prior to next class, reread your hook written during today's Writing Workshop block.  Make any necessary changes in order to improve this hook.  Also, if you are ready to do so, craft both a bridge and thesis statement for your essay.
--On the same page as your hook written during today's Writing Workshop block, write a second hook using an entirely different method.  The quick list from today's class should help you think of an alternative way to begin.  You can also searh Google using search terms such as "How to write a quality essay beginning" or something along those lines.  Next class (Thursday, 9/18), you will submit both of your hooks for me to read and provide commentary.  (As with your other hook, write your bridge and thesis statement, too, if you are ready to do so.)
--We will have computer access on Monday of next week, so you might want to bring a flashdrive!