Monday, May 14, 2012

Senior English--5/15/2012 & 5/16/2012

Jump Off
--Clear your desks of all but a writing utensil and a clean sheet of lined paper.

S. the C. -- agenda/rationale/HW, review definition of quick-write

Activity #1 -- Culminating Assignment--Part 3 (Thematic Personal Anecdote Quick-Write)
--take a look at task on PowerPoint slide
--Mr. Martin shares an example
--rationale--link to the idea of "timelessness"
--writing time

Transition -- form four desk groups, rationale behind next activity, materials handed out

Activity #2 -- Grammar Hammer Stations
--complete a station, rotate, repeat
--go over some of the more difficult-to-grasp errors

Transition -- re-row desks, editing sheet up, look through/ask clarifying questions

Writing Workshop -- Thematic Personal Anecdote
--edit quick-write as per today's grammar work and list of "make sure to"s

HW Time -- Thematic Personal Anecdote
--develop grading criteria together

Looking Ahead -- Senior Future Plans/Mini-Research Topic Selection

--type your quick-write from today's class in MLA format for the beginning of next class--make sure to:
*do MLA format correctly (Google it!)
*carefully proofread your work before printing it out
*deftly drop in at least three vocabulary words from units 1-8
*within your writing, include "voice" (should happen naturally due to quick-writing) and clearly link your anecdote to the theme statement about which you are writing