Monday, May 7, 2012

English 10 Honors--5/8/2012

Jump Off
--Take out your vocabulary book and open to page 91.  Look through the word list and star any words that you think you know already.

S. the C.

Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #8
--go over word list and and whimsical words
--complete "Choosing the Right Word"--when finished, if others are still working, work on some of the other exercises
--go over "Choosing the Right Word"
--for HW, familiarize yourself with the whimsical words and begin preparing for the quiz (on Monday of next week)

Transition -- pick up an index card, the tip sheet, and the sheet entitled "Close Reading/Explication Practice" from the front table

Close Reading Activity -- Macbeth's Soliloquy--Act II, Scene i
--take a look through the tip sheet, and then begin explicating Macbeth's soliloquy
--share out useful tips
--continue independently explicating Macbeth's soliloquy
--collect index cards (key note/understanding from explication)
--whole-class explication of soliloquy on front board

Film -- Roman Polanski's Macbeth
--continue (finish?) mindfully viewing the film
*goals while viewing (notes for future thematic writing assignment)
*goals outside of class (master the plot, characters, themes, etc.--be ready for an assessment of your knowledge and understanding at any time)

Closure -- Back Tracks

--begin preparing for Unit #8 vocabulary quiz (Monday of next week)
--work on mastering William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth--be ready for an assessment of your knowledge and understanding at any time