Saturday, November 25, 2017

English 9--12/1/2017 & 12/4/2017

Jump Off 
--Pick up a copy of the Unit #3 vocabulary quiz from the front table.  After carefully reading all of the directions, complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--Block 2 ACE: When you finish with the quiz, place your work on the floor next to your desk.  Then, engage in free reading until you receive further instructions.
--Block 2 BDF and Block 3 BDF: When you finish with the quiz, place your work in the black basket on the front table.  Then, engage in free reading until you receive further instructions.

S. the C.
--Block 2 ACE: trade and grade
--Block 2 ACE: return quizzes to rightful owners--reflect on performance and note still-not-mastered words in vocabulary books--I will collect quizzes momentarily

--You should leave class today...
  • hopefully having achieved the goal you set with regard to vocabulary!
  • with several rough theme statements written for "St. Lucy's..."
  • with pieces of strong textual evidence in mind (or, better yet, written down!) for use in support of a theme statement for "St. Lucy's..."
  • understanding how to go about purposefully re-reading Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's..." and with a plan of action for moving forward between now and next class block.

--Please take out your copies of the theme tracking documents for both Stage 2 and Stage 3 as well as your copy of "St. Lucy's...".

Activity/Discussion/Share-Out (cont.) -- Traveling the Path to Theme Statements
--Block 2 BDF (review) and Block 3 BDF (give): directions given/MODELED for small-group discussions
  • Would Karen Russell strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, disagree, etc. with the life philosophy written on the front board?  How do you know?
  • If your group determines that Karen Russell would not completely agree or would completely disagree, what do you think she would say instead?  In other words, what seems to be Karen Russell's life philosophy?
--All Blocks: "anchor in" to the "Compact for Group Work"
--Block 3 BDF: small groups formed via a drawing of cards/themes selected/directions halfsheet picked up from the front table ("Crafting a Rough Theme Statement")
--Block 2 ACE: spend a few minutes recalling your discussion of last class and making sure your "spokesperson" is ready to roll

--Block 2 BDF and Block 3 BDF: engage in discussion as per directions
  • In discussing textual evidence and life philosophies, you are coming closer to crafting a meaningful and complex theme statement for "St. Lucy's..." ("get[ting] at what the author is saying")!
  • at the close of your discussion, pick a "spokesperson" to share with the whole class highlights of your discussion as well as your group's rough theme statement
  • re-column the desks/pick up a copy of the "Textual Evidence/Rough Theme Statements--End of Stage 3" sheet from the front table
--Closure -- Ball Toss
  • spokespeople share/classmates jot down notes
  • At the end of this block of time, one halfsheet per group must be placed in the black basket on the front table.
--Pick up a copy of the "Purposeful Re-reading Tasks--Stage 4" document from the front table.  After forming groups for next class block, I will briefly preview the tasks for you so that within your groups, you can decide who will complete each of the tasks.

Small-Group Discussion Preparation (Phase 1) -- Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's..." (flex time)
--groups formed via a drawing of cards
--four reading tasks briefly previewed
  • While this is occurring, be thinking about which of the tasks you feel that you are best equipped to complete.
--decide who will complete each of the tasks
--form groups based on like task
--purposeful re-reading tasks more specifically shared and MODELED one-by-one for the epigraph and first four paragraphs of Stage 3:
  • Theme Development
  • Character Motive, Complexity, and Development
  • Purposeful Diction
  • Structure Impacting Meaning

--Q & A

HW Time (time permitting)

    HW (Class Preparation)
    --Move forward with regard to writing a theme statement for your End-of-Unit Writing Piece:
    • If you wrote a rough theme statement between last class and today, reread/revise it based on anything that resonated with you during today's class block.  Also, take a look at your "Theme Statements--The Do Nots/The Dos" sheet and use it to check the quality of your rough theme statement, further revising your sentence(s) accordingly.
    • Strongly consider working further with your "Textual Evidence/Rough Theme Statement--End of Stage 3" sheet: 
      • Pick a couple of the rough theme statements from today's class block.  Then, use your "Theme Statements--The Do Nots/The Dos" sheet to check the quality of/revise the rough theme statements.
    --Spend 15 minutes working on your reading task for Stage 4 using your copy of "St. Lucy's..." and the "Purposeful Re-reading Tasks--Stage 4" document.  NEXT class (Tuesday, 12/5 [ACE]/Wednesday, 12/6 [BDF]), I will check for completion of this assignment.  Please be aware of our homework policy with the awareness that I will absolutely follow it to a T. (Block 2 ACE--DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS YET!)
    --Please consult the "Free Reading--Course Component Fulfillment Options for Marking Periods 1 and 2" sheet for specific information about the forthcoming deadline for free reading.  Wednesday, 12/6 is the magic day!
    • If you opt to complete a one-pager, one-pagers are due in class NEXT time (Tuesday, 12/5 [ACE]/Wednesday, 12/6 [BDF]).  We will use some class time on that day to complete one-pagers.  Students who have already submitted a one-pager will either engage in free reading during this time or work on purposefully re-reading Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's..."  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!