Thursday, November 2, 2017

English 9--11/3/2017 & 11/6/2017

Jump Off
--Pick up the Unit #2 vocabulary quiz from the front table.  Make sure to carefully read all of the directions as some additional directions exist in one of the sections.  Complete the quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--When you finish with the quiz, place your work on the floor next to your desk.  Then, pick up a copy of the "Theme Comprehension Check" halfsheet from the front table.  Read the directions and complete the task at hand quietly and independently.  Finally, if time permits, engage in free reading until you receive further instructions.

S. the C.
--trade and grade
--return quizzes to rightful owners--reflect on performance and note still-not-mastered words in vocabulary books--I will collect quizzes momentarily
--beginning with the end in mind--our ultimate purpose for re-reading the short story:

End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:
Write a well-developed paragraph in which you support a meaningful and complex theme statement for Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves."  Use at least three pieces of strong textual evidence spanning the entire text, and be sure to tie back to your theme statement often.


--Pick up a copy of the "Determining Emergent Themes Document--Stage 1 and Theme Tracking Document--Stage 2" from the front table.  Also, take out your copy of "St. Lucy's...".

Application Activity #1 -- Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves": Determining Emergent Themes
--oral reading of "Directions" on first page
  • Q & A
--assign purposeful oral reading tasks (Reminder: You already completed these tasks last class block! :))
  • Task A folks = first row of chart
  • Task B folks = second row of chart
  • Task C folks = third row of chart
--What is the "gist" of "St. Lucy's..." again?
--oral reading of Stage 1 of "St. Lucy's..."/constant comprehension check--jot down notes as per your assigned task (PICK BACK UP HERE IN BLOCK 2 ACE [THROUGH FOUR PARAGRAPHS]--SEE SMARTPHONE PIC; BLOCK 2 BDF/BLOCK 3 BDF [THROUGH TWO PARAGRAPHS]--SEE SMARTPHONE PIC)
  • FYI: This story pretty much requires us to...
    • "determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text"
    • "use a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase"
--come up with theme words as a whole group by sharing conclusions drawn via completion of the chart

Application Activity #2 -- Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves": Theme Tracking
--oral reading of "Directions" on second page
  • Q & A
--oral reading/MODELING of reading task with first few paragraphs of Stage 2 of "St. Lucy's..."
--oral reading continued--continue jotting down notes as per reading task

--Pick up a copy of the final document for today's class ("Theme Ticket-Out-the-Door").  After an oral reading of the directions/Q & A, groups will be formed via a drawing of cards, and you will have whatever class time remains to work on the task at hand.

Closure -- Theme Ticket-Out-the-Door
--complete the task as directed

HW (Take-Home Assessment) 
--The Article of the Week #3 due date has been moved to the beginning of class on Thursday, 11/9 (ACE) or Monday, 11/13 (BDF).  If you want to show initiative, though, you can still hand your work in next time!  This AoW includes purposefully reading the directions in the box on the front page and completing your best work with regard to the directions.  After today's class, you will be somewhat equipped to make connections between the article and "St. Lucy's...".  Make sure to bear in mind your index card "to-do" list as you work.  When you finish, check your work to make sure that it best represents your English skills.  Keep in mind that I am available during "Office Hours" and more than happy to help students who take initiative! :)
HW (Class Preparation)
--Next class marks the beginning of another "Grammar Hammer" week.  Make sure you know the eight parts of speech (especially verb, preposition, and conjunction).
--Read your free reading book for at least 10 minutes between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until early-December to finish your book.