Saturday, November 25, 2017

English 10 Honors--11/29/2017 & 11/30/2017

Jump Off
--Pick up the "The Grammar Hammer--Assessment: Parts of Speech, Comma Usage with Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS), and Comma Usage with Subordinating Conjunctions (WUBAIS)" document from the front table.  Complete the quiz quietly and independently.  Good luck!

--When you finish, place your quiz in the black basket on the front table.  Then, take out the following and begin planning contributions as directed:
  • your Post-it-ed copy of Animal Farm
  • the "Orwell's Allegory and the Russian Revolution" chart
  • the "Revolution in Russia: Causes and Impacts" reading
S. the C.
--5 minutes in: second half of "Jump Off" clarified

Transition/Discussion Preparation 
--Reminder: Some of Our Key Purposes: We are actively/purposefully reading Animal Farm in order to..

  • define and apply symbolism
  • define and apply allegory
  • define and apply fable
  • define and apply satire
  • determine Orwell's "thesis" about human nature
  • understand the historical context, but more importantly, to recognize and consider the connections to current events
  • explore, add to, and/or refine our own ideas about human nature as per the Essential Question that overarches our course.

--Beginning with the end in mind:

End-of-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:Write a text-based, grammatically sound, tightly-written response of two to three paragraphs.  In your response, respond to the following question so as to reveal a theme statement (central idea) of Animal Farm: What is George Orwell's "thesis" about human nature as revealed in the story he tells?  Then, analyze how Orwell's use of symbolism helps develop his "thesis" about human nature.  Use at least three pieces of strong textual evidence spanning the entire text to support your analysis, and be sure to tie back to your claim often.

--Really beginning with the end in mind!--the Essential Question that overarches our course:

Why do people say what they say, do what they do, etc.?  What are human beings really like?  By nature, are human beings inherently evil or good or...?
    --Reminder: "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale" shared/sample Level 4 response MODELED
    --plan at least two contributions to today's Animal Farm discussion--strive for Level 4!:

    --form an alphabetical-by-favorite-Thanksgiving-meal-food circle out of the desks--talk to each other about your choices (e.g., describe your family's stuffing recipe: Does it have sausage in it?  Cranberries?  Is it cooked inside the turkey or out?  Do you know nothing about it other than it tastes good?  Etc.)

    Circle Discussion -- Animal Farm--Beginning to End
    --"The Masque..." assessment Q & A first--assessments passed back in--today's discussion protocol shared:
    • In order to maintain some structure, ...
      • I have established an order for contributions on the whiteboard
      • the first contributor to today's discussion will be the first person on the list on the whiteboard
      • contributions will be about the same topic/area of the text until we have exhausted the thread
      • raised hands will be acknowledged as per the order on the whiteboard
      • everyone present must contribute once before anyone can offer a second (third, etc.) contribution.
        • As such, you should write down additional contributions as thoughts occur when you are being "blocked" from contributing.
    --finish preparing for discussion (if necessary)
    --engage in discussion/notetaking about Animal Farm--contributions will be assessed via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"

    --re-column the desks
    --pick up an index card from the front table and write your first and last name at the top of the lined side

    Closure -- Before You Leave...
    --respond to the following question on your index card:

    • What did not come up during today's discussion that you feel we must still talk about in order to fully do Animal Farm justice?
    HW (Class Preparation/Take-Home Assessment)
    --A Membean assessment will take place in class NEXT time (Friday, 12/1 [ACE]/Monday, 12/4 [BDF]).
    --Complete a total of 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 12/7.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the “Membean Routine” document).
    --An Animal Farm multiple choice assessment will also take place in class NEXT time (Friday, 12/1 [ACE]/Monday, 12/4 [BDF]).  The assessment aims to measure the following:

          • your ability to hit the targets inherent within the "Reading Literature Like a Champ!" Framework
          • how well you closely read (and, maybe, re-read?) the novella with the targets in mind
          • how well you engaged in our whole-group discussion of the story
            • "Fair game" multiple choice questions, then, include the following (providing four options from which to choose):
              • What do the pigs sell to get money to purchase whiskey?
              • In Chapter 10, the author states that after the death of Boxer, “Old Benjamin was… more morose and taciturn than ever."  What is the best definition of taciturn as it is used in this sentence?
              • Throughout the text, what do the sheep symbolize?
          --Aim to read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  Please consult the "Free Reading--Course Component Fulfillment Options for Marking Periods 1 and 2" sheet for specific information about the forthcoming deadline.  Wednesday, 12/6 is the magic day!