Tuesday, December 9, 2014

English 10 Honors--12/12/2014

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S. the C.

--re-column the desks
--pick up each of the following documents from the front table:
  • the official "Intertextuality Unit--The Alchemist and The Old Man and the Sea--Culminating Essay Assignment" document
  • the grading sheet for the culminating essay assignment
HW Time

Required Assignments:
--Finish your work with "Article of the Week" #10, which is due at the beginning of class next time (Tuesday, 12/16).  This task will include purposefully reading the directions in the box on the first page and completing your best work with regard to the directions.
--Spend approximately ten minutes purposefully reading through the "Culminating Essay Assignment" document in order to further/fully "wrap your mind around" the assignment.  Pages two through five are intended to A.) remind you of everything that we have done so far this school year and B.) help you see the bigger picture overarching all of our work. As you are reading through the document, formulate any questions for me as per the directions.  We will engage in a Q & A next class.
--Spend approximately ten minutes purposefully reading through both the front and back of the grading sheet for the culminating essay assignment. As you read the front of the sheet, engage in purposeful reading as per the following question: What questions do you have about any of the items on this section of the grading sheet? As you read the back of the sheet, engage in purposeful reading as per the following question: What distinguishes a "5" from a "6" in each of the five categories?
--In your notebook, write down a thorough, specific answer to this question: What will I write about in my "Culminating Essay Assignment"?  Expect to meet with me and discuss your response one-on-one next time.  
Optional (But Highly-Encouraged!) Assignments:
--Don't forget about your free reading book. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS. See me if you have finished reading your book and need a one-pager.
--Purposefully read the chapter titled "Is He Serious? And Other Ironies" from Thomas C. Foster's How to Read Literature Like a Professor in order to A.) get the gist and B.) determine Foster's purpose.  Ultimately, this chapter is meant to help you answer this pointed question that some of you have asked: Why would Ernest Hemingway portray Santiago as a Christological figure?  This reading is located on the podium next to the door.