Thursday, January 23, 2014

English 10 Honors--2/5/2014

Jump Off
--Turn in the 5-sentence summary that you wrote for the short story that you read by placing the summary in the black basket on the front table.
--Pick up your Unit #5 vocabulary quiz from the front table.  Take a look at your performance, note words not yet mastered, etc.  Mr. Martin will be around to re-collect your quizzes momentarily.

S. the C.--Mr. Martin shares list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio--Would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during Mr. Martin's office hours (posted up on the front board)?
--The due date for submission is Friday, February 14th <3 (approximately 1.5 weeks from today).


--Pick up a copy of the "Analysis of Purposeful Literary Techniques" sheet from the front table.  Purposefully read through the directions at the top of the page.  You might want to consider annotating--many of you could use the practice! :)

Discussion Preparation -- "The Open Boat"
--Mr. Martin shares a model for "The Necklace"

--select your technique and element and have at it (state your claim, gather your evidence, and create your meaning)!
*Mr. Martin checks and (randomly) returns HW for use later in class*

--Pick a number from the front table to determine your seed.  Mr. Martin will give you a summary and write the title of the story about which you will be reading in the appropriate area on the tournament bracket projected on the front board.

Activity -- Short Story Madness

--For each game, two students "playing" read summaries.

--All students in class then vote for a winner via heads down/hands up vote.
--Winner advances to the next round.
--Proceed in this manner until two finalists are determined.

--The due date for submitting a revised Intertextuality Unit--Culminating Essay Assignment for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is Friday, February 14th <3 (approximately 1.5 weeks from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with Mr. Martin to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol. When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--If necessary, add more detail to your "Analysis of Purposeful Literary Techniques" sheet so that we can have a high-quality discussion on Friday.