Wednesday, October 18, 2017

English 9--10/20/2017 & 10/23/2017

Jump Off (5 mins.)
--Pick up an index card from the front table.  On the lined side, respond to the following question back at your assigned seat:
  • When working in groups in class to complete challenging, meaningful assignments, what must occur in order for groups to find success?  (SEE THE FRONT BOARD FOR AN EXAMPLE.)
Be prepared to share your ideas soon.

S. the C. (15-20 mins.)
--"Leader-to-Detractor Scale" reviewed
  • We should take this into consideration when creating our compact!
--share out as per the "Jump Off" in order to create a rough "Compact for Group Work" (Phase 2 of our current mini-lesson)
  • objectives for the mini-lesson in which we are currently engaged:
    • comprehend the basic plot (the "gist") of Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves"
    • work cooperatively with others (listening, respecting, etc.) in a variety of groupings
      • create and follow a "Compact for Group Work"
    • craft a successful plot summary that hits our targets/aligns with the "Summary Notes"
Mini-Lesson (Phase 3) -- Short Story in an "Hour" (30-40 mins.)
--objectives for this phase of the mini-lesson:
  • comprehend the basic plot (the "gist") of your Stage of Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's..."
  • work cooperatively with others (listening, respecting, etc.) in a variety of groupings
  • craft a successful plot summary that hits our targets/aligns with the "Summary Notes"
--next set of steps for our current mini-lesson:

  • "Anchored in" to our rough "Compact for Group Work",...
    • ...share "gist" notes with each other:
      • What's "the deal" with your Stage of "St. Lucy's..."?  What's it about?
      • What resonates/"stands out"?
      • What events seem important?
    • ...use your collective "gist" notes and skim back through the story itself in order to determine what information/points is/are essential enough to include in a summary of the Stage
    • ...craft a Stage summary that hits our targets/aligns with the "Summary Notes".
      • All group members must write the summary down.  I will collect a copy at random at the end of the activity.
      • One group member will share your summary with the whole class.
  • Transition
    • get (back) into groups based on like Stage
  • collaboratively craft successful summaries
--When your group finishes writing a successful summary, return to your desks and engage in free reading until all groups are ready to share out.

Mini-Lesson (Phase 4) -- Short Story in an "Hour" (8-10 mins.)
--objectives for this phase of the mini-lesson:
  • work cooperatively with others (listening, respecting, etc.) in a variety of groupings
  • comprehend the basic plot (the "gist") of Stage 1 through Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's..."
--next set of steps for our current mini-lesson:
  • One group member shares the first summary and so on and so forth in chronological order so that all class members have a sense of the basic plot (the "gist") of almost the entire story.
    • During this time, students are expected to take notes for use when crafting a summary of Stage 1 through Stage 4 of the story.
Transition (time permitting)
--Pick up a copy of the "Ticket-Out-the-Door--Summary Writing and Reflections on Collaboration and Personal Conduct" sheet from the front table.

Closure -- "Ticket-Out-the-Door--Summary Writing and Reflections on Collaboration and Personal Conduct" (time permitting)
--oral reading of sheet/Q & A
--Using your notes from the previous portion of the class block, complete the first prompt.  (Consider writing one sentence per two Stages.)  Then, complete the remaining prompts in as much detail as time permits.
  • pair/share

--If you finish quality work with time to spare, engage in free reading until everyone is finished.

HW (Class Preparation)
--Reminder: Next "Grammar Hammer" week, in addition to learning about a common error (both how to spot and fix the error), I will also formally check on your knowledge and understanding of the eight parts of speech.  It might be in your best interest to pick up a copy of the document inside the "Parts of Speech" folder in the "Grammar Hammer Extras" area of the classroom and continue reviewing (especially if you struggled on the comprehension check last class block and have not already taken initiative to move forward!).
--Read your free reading book for at least 10 minutes between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until early-December to finish your book.
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em! :)