Wednesday, October 25, 2017

English 10 Honors--10/30/2017 & 10/31/2017

Jump Off
--Turn in both your purposeful reading and written response for Article of the Week #1 by placing your best work in the black basket on the front table. 
--While you are up front, please pick up a copy of the reading (a section of Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein's They Say/I Say titled "What's Your Opinion of the Text?").  We will "gist" read this together to kick off today's class.

S. the C.

--list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio shared:
  • Would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during my office hours (posted on the front board)?

--oral "gist" reading of Graff/Birkenstein
  • "takeaways" for today's final discussion of "The Masque..."?

Discussion Preparation -- Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"
--Take out your copy of "The Masque of the Red Death".  Respond to the questions below, consulting your original analysis sheet, your marked-up copy of the text, and our rough theme statement/rough notes on the board from last class block:

Based on our analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death", what seems to be Poe's "thesis" about human nature?  What does he seem to think human beings are really like?  Does he suggest that humans are inherently good or evil or...?  Do you agree or disagree with Poe?  For what reasons? 


--pair share

--form an alphabetical-by-mom-or-dad's-first-name circle out of the desks

Literary Analysis Activity/Discussion -- Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"
--Next class, a multiple choice and short-ish answer assessment will take place.  The assessment aims to measure the following:
  • your ability to hit the targets inherent within the "Reading Literature Like a Champ!" Framework
    • For example, the framework notes that "English 10 Honors students...comprehend... [the] basic plot" of stories studied.  A "fair game" multiple choice question, then, might ask the following (providing four options from which to choose):
      • What happens when Prince Prospero confronts the masked figure?
    • Additionally, the framework notes that "English 10 Honors students...notic[e] literary devices, techniques, concepts, etc. in action and draw... conclusions about potential authorial purpose(s)."  The framework also notes that "English 10 Honors students...create truly complex theme statements (central ideas)."  A "fair game" short answer question, then, might ask the following:
      • How does Edgar Allan Poe use allegory to develop a theme of the story?
  • how well you closely read and re-read the story
  • how well you engaged in our whole-group discussion of the story
--Q & A about assessment
--students share annotations from close reading/ideas from the preparation block last class/theme statements and opinions from today's preparation block--I encourage a "deeper dig" via prompting, follow-up questions, etc.
  • Make sure we have a meaningful and complex theme statement for Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death" before leaving today!
HW Time/Free Reading

HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete a total of 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 11/2.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #3, you will not be permitted to take the quiz (see the "Membean Routine" document).
HW (Class Preparation)
--Prepare for the assessment about "The Masque of the Red Death", which will take place at the beginning of NEXT class (Wednesday, 11/1 [ACE]/Thursday, 11/2 [BDF]).  Please see the information listed earlier in this agenda and take the initiative to see me if necessary!
--Continue thinking about your short story.  The final draft of the assignment is tentatively due on Tuesday, 11/7 (ACE)/Wednesday, 11/8 (BDF), which is about one week away!  My classroom is open after school for any individuals looking to "workshop" together.
--The due date for submitting a revised Thematic Writing Assignment—Partner Interviews essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is Thursday, 11/16 (ACE)/Friday, 11/17 (BDF) (2.5 weeks from today)YOU MUST schedule a meeting with me to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol.  When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--Read your free reading book for at least 15 minutes between now and next class. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until early-December to finish your book.