Friday, December 2, 2016

English 9--12/1/2016 & 12/2/2016

Jump Off (3-5 mins.)
--As you come in, please see me at the front table so that I can give you your purposeful reading task for Stage 3.  (You will not be completing this task today during class, but you will need it for homework, so I want to get it into your possession ASAP!)

S. the C.
 (8-10 mins.)
--beginning with the end in mind--our ultimate purpose for re-reading the short story:

End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:
Write a well-developed paragraph in which you support a meaningful and complex theme statement for Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves."  Use at least three pieces of strong textual evidence spanning the entire text, and be sure to tie back to your theme statement often.

--FYI: Today's lesson closure relates specifically to theme (and, as such, the End-of-Mini-Unit Writing Assessment)!

"St. Lucy's..."--Stage 2 and Application Activity

"SHARE": Share-Out/Discussion (cont.) (35 mins. total [30 min. timer set!])
--list of "I realized/concluded/learned" items from last class shared
--Reminder: the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"--individual contributions to today's share-out/discussion will be assessed using this scale
--share-out paragraph-by-paragraph in the following order:
· structure
· character
· theme
· diction
--as you and your peers share and I mark up the text on the SMART Board, do the same on your personal copy of "St. Lucy's..."

Transition (2 mins.)
--Pick up a copy of the "Application Activity" document from the front table.

Application Activity/Brief Discussion -- Livonia High School and St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (20 mins.)
--purposeful oral reading of the activity directions
--Q & A
--complete the task at hand quietly and independently
--discussion protocol shared:
· Use the ball--consequence system for lack of compliance
· No more than two contributions maximum (class participation grade via "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale")
· I reserve the right to "jump in" to the conversation where appropriate and randomly select students to share
--quick-share with a neighbor first?
--engage in discussion via the protocol--contributions will be assessed via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"

Transition (2 mins.)
--Pick up the "Theme Ticket-Out-the-Door (RL.1 and RL.2)' document from the front table.

Closure -- "Theme Ticket-Out-the-Door (RL.1 and RL.2)" (remainder of class)
--After carefully reading the directions, complete the task at hand and submit your best work based on the time permitted prior to leaving class.  (Bare minimum, I am looking for a rough theme statement.)
--If you happen to finish before the end of the class block, engage in free reading.  If you do not have your free reading book, grab a copy of Upfront newsmagazine from the front table.

HW (Class Preparation)
--Purposefully read Stage 3 of "St. Lucy's..." by completing your assigned purposeful reading task to the best of your ability.  Expect an assessment of your efforts/understanding during class next time (Monday, 12/5 [BDF] or Tuesday, 12/6 [ACE]).
--Next class (Monday, 12/5 [BDF] or Tuesday, 12/6 [ACE]), you will be given time to quietly and independently complete all four purposeful reading tasks for Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's..."  Following the reading block, you will take a multiple choice quiz about the reading aiming to both check your comprehension and check how well you purposefully read with regard to theme development, character complexity and development, purposeful diction, and structure impacting meaning.  You will be allowed to use notes when taking the quiz, but you will not be able to use your copy of the text itself!  Feel free to do anything that you think is necessary between now and next class in order to come fully prepared to succeed on this challenging assessment.
--Strongly consider planning, gathering evidence, outlining, etc. for the End-of-Mini-Unit Writing Assessment.  This final assessment for "St. Lucy's..." is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 12/9 (BDF) or Monday, 12/12 (ACE), and you are free to use any planning/outlining that you bring with you to the test site.
--Finish reading your free reading book by the beginning of class on Wednesday, 12/7 (BDF) or Thursday, 12/8 (ACE).

  • One-pagers are due at the end of class on Wednesday, 12/7 (BDF) or Thursday, 12/8 (ACE) for those of you who have yet to complete one. We will use some class time on that day to complete one-pagers. Students who have already submitted a one-pager will engage in free reading during this time. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em!