Friday, October 31, 2014

English 10 Honors--11/5/2014

Jump Off
--On your desk, you will find both your grammar quiz from two classes ago and your exit ticket from last class.  Both of these items have to do with punctuation of restrictive and nonrestrictive elements.  We will spend the first portion of today's class block using these items in order to deepen our collective understanding of proper punctuation. 

S. the C.
--go over both the grammar quiz and sample exit tickets via SMART Notebook
**If you received a score lower than 70% on the grammar quiz last week, you must take a re-quiz before the end of the day next Friday (November 14th)--make arrangements with me ASAP--additional preparation materials are located on the shelf next to the door above the “Grammar Hammer Extras” sign**
--list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio shared--would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during my Office Hours?

--Pick up the "The Alchemist Active/Purposeful Reading Assessment--pgs. 1-47" from the front table.  After purposefully reading the directions and prompt, complete the task at hand.  You must submit your work at the end of the class block.  Good luck!

Assessment -- The Alchemist Active/Purposeful Reading Assessment--pgs. 1-47
--If you finish before the end of the class block, submit your work and either read your free reading book or work on homework.


--The due date for completing a grammar requiz for restrictive and nonrestrictive elements is November 14th (a little over a week from today).  Please make arrangements with me ASAP.
--The due date for submitting a revised Thematic Writing Assignment--Partner Interviews essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is November 17th (approximately 1.5 weeks from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with me to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol. When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--Actively/purposefully read up to the page break on page 87 of The Alchemist by the beginning of next class. (See me if you need more Post-it Notes.) Expect to engage in discussion about your thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. in the future.  I reserve the right to conduct a reading assessment at any time--prepare accordingly!
--If you are not "feeling good" about your active/purposeful reading abilities (e.g., tracking Foster's "List of 18", applying the terms from last class block to the novella, etc.), consider the following tips:

What to put on Post-its:
ü  “Ah-ha!” moments
ü  Clarification of confusing aspects
ü  Connections to other readings, personal experience, etc.
ü  Favorite lines, sections, etc.
ü  General comments
ü  Notes about the author’s style
ü  Predictions
ü  Questions
ü  Recognition of literary elements (e.g., flashback, irony, symbolism, etc.) in action
ü  Unfamiliar words/allusions (and their definitions/origins once you’ve looked them up!)
ü  Visualizations

--Article-of-the-Week will return next week (November 10th-November 14th)!
--Bring your vocabulary book next time just in case we need it.  Please do not forget!
--Don't forget about your free reading book. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.

  • hand out end-of-unit writing assignment (clarity in terms of where we’re headed)