Tuesday, October 21, 2014

English 10 Honors--10/24/2014

Jump Off (15-20 mins.)
--Turn in your actively read Article of the Week #6 along with your two-paragraph response stapled on top of the article by placing your work in the black basket on the front table.
--Pick up the following items from the front table: 
  • the Unit #3 vocabulary assessment
  • an index card
  • the "The Alchemist Gist-Reading Notes--Circle Discussion on 10/22/2014" document
Complete the quiz quietly and independently.  Make sure to carefully read all directions.  Good luck!

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio shared
--trade and grade
--return quizzes to rightful owners--reflect on performance and note still-not-mastered words in vocabulary books--I will collect quizzes momentarily

After the Quiz/Transition #1 (8-10 mins.)
--Take out your copy of the "Reading Nonfiction Document" for Thomas C. Foster's "Pickup Lines..." and reread your answer for question #1 under Step #3.  Then, on your index card, write your name and an answer to the following question: What is the main idea of Foster's text (the chief point he makes about the subject to which all other ideas and details relate)?  When you finish, place your card in the black basket on the front table.
--Actively read the "The Alchemist Gist-Reading Notes--Circle Discussion on 10/22/2014" document.  Hopefully, you will notice that we have a lot of "unfinished business" from our initial discussion (e.g., we only roughly discussed Coelho's Four Obstacles).  Prepare a contribution or two for today's brief discussion based on the contents of this document.  (You might, for example, consider coming up with a text-based answer to one of the bolded questions at the bottom of the document.)

Transition #2 (5 mins.)
--discussion protocol/"Discussion Contribution Rating Scale" reminder
--3 vs. 4 modeling
--form a circle out of the desks

Circle Discussion -- Thomas C. Foster's "Pickup Lines...", First-Draft Reading of the Exposition of Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, and Applying Foster's Work to Coelho's Work (remainder of class)
--initial discussion of Coelho's work (cont.):
  • share your contributions as per the "After the Quiz/Transition #1" block
  • share your thoughts, questions, (and annotations?) from your first-draft reading of pages v-11 of The Alchemist
  • draw a few connections between Foster's "list of 18" and the beginning of Coelho's novel
--continued discussion of Coelho's work will occur next class based on the work that you completed in preparation for today


--Review your purposeful Post-its completed in preparation for today's class, as we will continue discussing The Alchemist next week as per your notes.
--The due date for submitting a revised Thematic Writing Assignment--Partner Interviews essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is November 17th (just over three weeks from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with me to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol. When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--Try to carve out some time between now and next class to read your free reading book for at least 15 minutes. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.

Backburner (Mr. Martin's Note-to-Self):
  • hand back AoW #3 writing in correspondence with Grammar Hammer
  • point out "Grammar Hammer Extras" area