Monday, July 21, 2014

INTD 170--Day 8 (Thursday, July 24th)

In the Door (3-5 mins.)
--Check in with Miss Mundt:
  • attendance
  • submit your two fully completed "Article Analysis Template for They Say/I Say" pages--discussion of these texts will occur either on Monday or Tuesday of next week (sorry, again, for the delay!)
S. the C. (5-8 mins.)
--a note about no grammar/no public speaking :,(
--agenda overview
  • a few notes about paper drafts returned today
    • making sense of the numbers
--share "DUE ON"

Writer's Workshop -- Argumentative Research Paper (Heroism) Notes/Mini-lessons/Feedback Analysis
*Start actual revisions/Office Hours no later than 10:00 AM*
--take notes/complete mini-lessons as per categorized items listed on board--this information will prove helpful when revising your papers!:
  • Basic rules of citing in APA format revisited
  • Citing a source within a source
  • Methods of quotation integration from...
    • a language use standpoint (avoiding the "dropped quote")
    • a conventions standpoint (, vs. : vs.   )
  • Blocked quotes
  • Writing conclusions
--oral reading of segments of a writing piece that, overall, is solid--jot down "pros" in notebook for discussion
--briefly discuss sample writing piece
--Transition--pick up the document titled "Final Paper Draft--Feedback Analysis" from the front of the classroom
--scored paper drafts returned--on the document you just picked up, make a list of "pros" and "grows" as you reread your paper and process through my feedback--need me to model?
--feedback processing/revision time
  • Our discussions will revolve around your questions: Can you clarify this note for me?  What do you mean by this?  Can you show me how to do this?  We'll accomplish as much as we can in the time allotted.
--share out (approximately halfway through meetings--11:00 AMish)--add to categories on the front board/on-the-fly mini-lessons (if necessary)
  • What questions do you still have?  I want to make sure that you are set up for success!
Mandatory assignments:
--Read and fully complete an "Article Analysis Template for They Say/I Say" page for both of the following texts from They Say/I Say:
  • "We, the Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals" (pages 545-552)
  • "Cheating and CHEATING" (pages 553-559)
Both of your article analysis pages will be checked in at the beginning of class and submitted.  Also, be prepared to engage in discussion about both of the texts either on Monday or Tuesday.
--Take a look at pages 141-173 of They Say/I Say with the following focusing question in mind: How can this information help me craft a meaningful final paper for submission on Monday?  As you finish revising your final paper, incorporate your learnings from TS/IS within what you write.   
--Finish revising your final paper.  As you do so, seriously consider all of the following (not necessarily in this order):
  • the scoring document and in-text feedback provided by me on your first draft
  • the feedback provided by your peer during class on July 22nd
  • pages 185-220 of The Curious Researcher
  • pages 55-173 of TS/IS
--Your final paper is due at the beginning of next class.  In order for your final paper to be accepted, you must come prepared to carefully follow these directions:
  • resubmit your first draft with my notes and your notes written on it
  • resubmit the original rubric with your initial score and my notes written on it
  • submit a copy of your final paper with all of the changes you have made highlighted (e.g., if you corrected a parenthetical citation that was initially missing a page number, highlight the citation OR if you added six sentences prior to your current introduction in order to better "hook" your reader, highlight those sentences)
  • submit a clean copy of your final paper with no stray marks on it
--Please be aware that on Monday, informal presentations of your final paper will occur in class.  You will have a little bit of time in class to prepare.