Tuesday, September 24, 2013

English 9--9/26/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up two index cards from the front table. On one of the index cards, provide definitions for as many of the eight parts of speech as you can. (The parts of speech are listed on the front board for you.) Feel free to use any helpful notes/materials from your binder.

S. the C.
1.) Leave class today having demonstrated a strong understanding of the eight parts of speech--if you still have gaps in your understanding at the end of class, visit the following link for more practice: http://www.rcs.k12.va.us/csjh/speech.htm
2.) Leave class with a solid understanding of what the 7 Habits are and what both a "paradigm" and a "principle" is--if you still have gaps in your understanding at the end of class, see Mr. Martin for a copy of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and purposefully read pages 13-27 prior to next class.
--add (some) definitions to the list of the parts of speech
--Mr. Martin reminds of helpful tips for the three parts of speech most important to our future "grammar hammer" work

--highlighter and "Parts of Speech--Post-test" up from the front table--complete quietly and independently--good luck!

Assessment -- Parts of Speech Post-test
--When finished with the assessment, brainstorm examples of each of the 7 Habits "in action".  Do this on the back of your index card from earlier in class. --MR. MARTIN MODELS FIRST
--trade and grade--scored assessments returned to test-takers for self-reflection purposes--Mr. Martin collects

Introductory Discussion/Notetaking -- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
--take out your homework that was due last class (song lyric analysis)--we will use these in a little bit to help us understand the term "principle"
--continue brainstorming examples of each of the 7 Habits
--share out/discuss examples of the 7 Habits
--look at examples of "paradigms" and quotation about paradigms and work together to build an understanding of the term as well as an understanding of "principle"
--share out regarding the principle of hard work (HW assignment due today)

Closure -- Ticket-Out-the-Door

--On the back of your other index card from earlier in class today, do the following from memory:

  • List as many of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens as you can.
  • Define the term "paradigm" in your own words and list a few of your own paradigms.
  • Circle and label both a verb and a preposition somewhere within what you have written.

Mandatory assignments:
--Baby Step #3: Listen carefully to your words between now and next class. Count how many times you use reactive language, such as "You make me...", "I have to...", "Why can't they...", "I can't...". Then, take note of the reactive language that you use the most. Be prepared to talk about this baby step next class.
--Bring your vocabulary book on Monday so that we can begin our work with Unit #2.  Don't forget!
Optional assignments:
--Visit the following link for more parts of speech practice: http://www.rcs.k12.va.us/csjh/speech.htm. You will be expected to know/apply your knowledge of the eight parts of speech (especially noun, preposition, and conjunction) throughout the remainder of the school year (and beyond!).
--Purposefully read pages 13-27 of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens in order to deepen your understanding of "paradigm" and "principle."