Sunday, June 2, 2013

English 9--6/6/2013

Jump Off
--Clear your desks of all but a pen and a pencil in anticipation of the English 9 Post-Assessment.  Then, open up your Cumulative Writing Portfolio and take a look at the contents therein.

S. the C.
--reminder about Obligation Forms--books turned in
--reminder about saving English 9 binders
--brief "get your gameface on" talk
--materials handed out/directions for post-assessment

Assessment -- English 9 Post-Assessment
--carefully complete the assessment
--when finished, put your head down and relax

--Turn in exams by placing materials on the front table.

Film (cont.) -- Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet 
--purposefully view the film/follow along in the text until a few minutes remaining in class--gather information (mentally or physically) for discussion
NOTE: Students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio can meet with Mr. Martin during this time--establish an order on the front board/schedule meeting times for next class.

Closure -- Wrap-up Discussion

--The due date for submitting a revised Dragonsong Unit Final Essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is June 10th (our last class day--NEXT CLASS!)--Do you want to revise (as the opportunity exists even for students who have already demonstrated mastery [80%+])?  The following students need to revise: Philosoraptor, Flash Gordon, RanRan, and Benji...BooBoo, Nicknameless Person, Arcadia, Raven Starshine, and Twig. Don't forget to schedule a meeting with Mr. Martin to go over your HIGHLIGHTED revisions.
NOTE: You cannot advance to English 10 without a completed Cumulative Writing Portfolio.