Wednesday, April 18, 2018

English 9--4/19/2018 & 4/20/2018

Jump Off (10 mins.)
--Pick up one or both of the following from the front table:

  • "Viewing/Reading Guide" for Act 3
  • "Text Frames with Gaps" for Act 3

--In pre-formed small groups (SEE THE FRONT BOARD), based on the work we completed with Act 3 last class block, complete as much of the Act 3, scene 1 section as you can of the document you selected.

S. the C. (10-15 mins.)

--Reminder: Beginning with the end in mind--our ultimate purpose when completing a first-draft "reading" and closely re-reading sections of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet:

End-of-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:
Write a multi-paragraph essay in which you argue the extent to which both Romeo and Juliet are impulsive by analyzing their behaviors during similar circumstances.  Then, answer the "so what?" question.  So what?!  Who cares?!  Why does this matter?!

--whole-class share-out via a drawing of cards
  • I need a volunteer to jot down notes on the front board!

Film/First-Draft "Reading" -- Act 3 of Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet (45-ish mins.)

--view Act 3, scene 1
--engage in a "materials assessment" together for Act 3, scene 2
  • What are we "looking for" while viewing the next scene of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet?
--purposefully view the film in order to gather information for discussion/assessment preparation by jotting down notes, responding to viewing/reading guide questions/prompts, and/or filling in text frame gaps

Closure -- True or False? (remainder of class [time permitting])
--Following each statement made about Act 3, hold up either your "True" card or your "False" card.

HW (Class Preparation)
--Strongly consider re-reading Act 3 of William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet in order to add to your viewing/reading guide responses and/or text frame gaps.  Consider visiting the following web address:

      --Read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!  These next two marking periods, I will randomly check for books and include your level of preparation in my reporting via Schooltool.
      --Bring your vocabulary book to class next time--PLEASE DO NOT FORGET!
      --Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em! :)

      On the backburner:
      • Vocabulary (students create picture review)
      • Next AoW