Sunday, May 21, 2017

English 10 Honors--5/23/2017

Jump Off
--Please pick up a lined 3 X 5 card from the front table.
--Please also pick up a copy of the "Writing Skills--A Handbook" document from the front table.  Preview the contents of the document quietly and independently.  We will spend the first part of today's class block working with this document in order to create a handbook that you can use when working on completing your End-of-Course Assignment (and similar assignments in future English courses both here at Livonia and beyond!).

S. the C.
--FYI: I am working through both English 10 Honors and English 9 writing pieces.  Please be patient! :)

Writing Workshop #1 -- End-of-Course Assignment (Writing Skills--A Handbook)
--my first handbook--a walk down memory lane...
--direct instruction--put together your personal copy of "A Handbook"

Brain Break -- The Shoe Game

--Pick up a copy of the "Nonfiction Source Annotations" document from the front table.

Writing Workshop #2 -- End-of-Course Assignment (Purposeful Reading of Sources/Gathering Evidence)
--purposeful oral reading of "Nonfiction Source Annotations" document
  • Q & A
--a few controlling quotations for the remainder of today's class block:
  • "At this point [of gathering evidence], you want to include anything, anything, that might be useful, and you also want to avoid the temptation to arrive at definite conclusions about your topic. Remember that one of the qualities that makes for a good interpretation is that it avoids the obvious. You want to develop complex ideas, and the best way to do that is to keep your ideas flexible until you've considered the evidence carefully. A good gauge of complexity is whether you feel you understand more about your topic than you did when you began (and even just reaching a higher state of confusion is a good indicator that you're treating your topic in a complex way)."
  • "A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts (such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a 'working thesis,' a basic or main idea, an argument that you think you can support with evidence but that may need adjustment along the way."
--set the parameters for today's work block (environment, goals, etc.)

  • Today, you are...
    • gathering evidence/crafting an extended list of evidence
    • determining what sources you still need in order to "firm up" your argument
    • preparing to write your annotations at the library next class block. 
--work block
--meetings as per the order established on the front board

HW (Class Preparation)
--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 5/25.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #6, which will take place in the library next class (Thursday, 5/25), you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).
--Complete a "UB Discussion Card" while/after reading up to the end of page 152 of An Ordinary Man.  The expectation is that your card consists of at least two potential contributions for discussion.  Discussions about An Ordinary Man will be driven by all of you via a drawing of name cards.  This assignment is to be completed by next class (Thursday, 5/25).
--Following each section of reading of An Ordinary Man, I reserve the right to administer a "Did You Read?" assessment similar to those we have taken in the past.  If you have completed a successful reading, said assessment should not be challenging at all! :)

HW (Class Preparation)/Writing
--Continue moving forward with regard to the End-of-Course Assignment.  We will head to the library again next time (Thursday,  5/25) so that you can...
  • finish finding sources (if necessary)
  • finish creating your Works Cited page
  • type and include your annotations for two nonfiction sources as part of your Works Cited page
  • print two copies of your Works Cited page (one for me and one for Mrs. Donohue).
--In terms of moving forward, strongly consider gathering the rest of your evidence.  In class next week, you will have some class time to look through all of your evidence and make some decisions about what evidence you will actually end up using (though you should probably do this on your own prior to next week so that you do not fall behind). A document from The Writing Center at UNC Chapel Hill exists titled "Evidence".  Please visit the following link, as this document is extremely helpful:

--Don't forget about your free reading book. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS. See me if you have finished reading your book and need a one-pager.
On the backburner:
  • Paraphrasing AoW as preparation for culminating assignment
  • Counterargument lesson/AoW as preparation for culminating assignment
  • ACT nonfiction passages and multiple choice questions