Monday, April 17, 2017

English 9--4/18/2017 & 4/19/2017

Jump Off #1 (8 mins.)
--If your Article of the Week #6 is not currently your best work, I really do not want to look at it!  In fact, the first 8 minutes of class today are yours to do the following quietly and independently:
  • improve your Article of the Week #6 work before turning in the document
  • read your free reading book
  • read Upfront newsmagazine if you do not have your book or if you prefer to do so
Jump Off #2 (1-2 mins.)
--Submit your best work for Article of the Week #6 by placing your document in the black basket on the front table.  Please bear in mind the Room 203 policies surrounding missing/incomplete work about which I will remind you in a few minutes.
--FYI: There will not be an Act IV/Act V assessment for The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet as much of what I am aiming to assess moving forward will be addressed within the End-of-Unit Essay.

S. the C. (10-12 mins.)
--Reminder: The following Room 203 policies are in place as per the "Important Information" document reviewed at the start of the school year":
  • When a take-home assessment for collection (e.g., the active/purposeful reading component of AoW #6) is not turned in on time or not entirely completed, you will not receive credit and must come in for homeroom detention either the same day (Block 1 classes) or the following day, a block of time during which you are expected to wrap up your work.  Failure to stay for homeroom will result in a referral for central detention.  You will not receive full credit for a take-home assessment turned in late.  At best, your efforts will earn you an ineffective score of 64%.
  • If you do not have a writing piece (e.g., the “Writing Skills Practice” section of AoW #6) completed and turned in on time, you will be required to come in after school with me to work on completing the assignment and, depending on my schedule, receive assistance.  (The exception here would be if you have already stayed for homeroom and completed and turned in the assignment.)  I expect you to continue coming in after school until the assignment is completed and turned in.  As with homework assignments, failure to stay with me will result in central detention(s).  Writing pieces will be marked 10% off per day late.
--Reminder: It is important for you to stay caught up with regard to all of your coursework.  It is in your best interest to check the blog and SchoolTool often.  Additionally, if you have an "INC" for a Marking Period, following up with me ASAP would be wise!
--Reminder: Beginning with the end in mind--our ultimate purpose when dealing with The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (especially when closely re-reading sections of the play, as we will do during today's class block):

ROUGH End-of-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:
Write a multi-paragraph essay in which you argue the extent to which both Romeo and Juliet are fatally impulsive by analyzing their responses to similar circumstances.  Then, answer the "so what" question: Why did Shakespeare develop his two main characters in this manner?


Activity -- Debate Circle

Step #1: Debate Preparation--Phase One (30-35 mins.)
  • What do I mean when I say, "Think like a trial lawyer!"?
  • task modeled with a "folder" about Act I (if necessary--SEE POWERPOINT)
  • Q & A--I did this activity for the first time last school year, so you need to help me be clear! :)
  • groups formed via a drawing of cards
  • folders distributed
  • group work time "anchored in" to our "Compact for Group Work" (10-20 mins.)
    • share rubric used during closure for further "anchoring in" (SEE SAMPOWERPOINT)
Step #2: Debate Preparation--Phase Two (5-10 mins.)
  • larger groups formed (Juliet group and Romeo group)
  • share work completed, finish forming your argument/counterargument, and assign spokespeople (three total--consider who worked with which folder initially)
Transition -- form a large circle consisting of 17 desks and a smaller inner circle consisting of 8 desks--I'LL DRAW A PICTURE ON THE BOARD IF I NEED TO! (3-5 mins.)

Step #3: The Debate (time permitting)
  • purpose of desks explained: 6 desks in the inner circle are for spokespeople to share their views while the 7th desk and the 8th desk in the inner circle are designated for anyone who wants to come in briefly and add information to the debate (advisement for spokespeople, clearer explanations, direct quotations, etc.) after which he or she must go back to his or her desk in the outer circle
  • spokespeople move to inner circle desks to prepare for debating about the following question:
    • Who is more impulsive throughout Act IV and Act V of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo or Juliet?
  • begin debating with a spokesperson from Romeo's "camp" (timer at 45 seconds)--I'll moderate, moving from "camp" to "camp" and including the "7th and 8th deskers" whenever appropriate
  • during the debate, outer circle members are to be silent until all the spokespeople in the inner circle have been heard (unless, of course, an outer circle member chooses to take the 7th or 8th desk)--taking notes during the debate is highly encouraged! :)
  • after the spokespeople in the inner circle have debated the topic, outer circle members can direct questions to individual spokespeople (time permitting)
Transition (1-2 mins.)
--Re-column the desks and pick up a copy of each of the following documents:
  • "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet End-0f-Unit Essay"
  • "Collaboration Reflection/End-of-Unit Essay Ticket-Out-the-Door"
Looking Ahead/Closure (remainder of class)
--oral reading of assignment sheet/Q & A
--After carefully reading the directions on the front page of the Ticket-Out-the-Door, complete the task at hand and place your best work in your binder prior to leaving class.  (We will return to this document next class.)

HW (Class Preparation)
--Continue thinking about and preparing for the End-0f-Unit Essay.
--Aim to read at least 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class (especially with the knowledge that we will be delving into Divergent very soon).  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!

On the backburner:

  • A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph instruction (if necessary)
  • Break down model paragraph together (if necessary)