Wednesday, October 12, 2016

English 9--10/20/2016 & 10/21/2016

Jump Off (10-12 mins.)
--Pick up the "Determining Unfamiliar Words--Common Context Clues/What to Look for" halfsheet from the front table and give it a quick scan before moving on to the next item on this list.
--Open your vocabulary book to page 29. In the time permitted, complete as many of the assigned sentences of the "Completing the Sentence" exercise as you can quietly and independently.  (See the front board for your assignment [either the evens or the odds].)  As you work, underline the specific context clues within each sentence that help you arrive at your selections for filling in the blanks. (For example, when selecting the word erratic for #1, I underlined the words Though, great sinker, and "Wild Pitch Hickok".  "Though" establishes a contrast between the first part of the sentence where it is noted that the pitcher can throw one pitch well and the second part of the sentence where his nickname is revealed.  If a pitcher with one good pitch is called "Wild Pitch Hickok", then that pitcher is clearly not consistent, which is what the word erratic means.)  Be ready to share your logic later in the class block (much as I have done here in this parenthetical example).
  • As you work, concurrently consult the halfsheet list--Which of the strategies did you use? (metacognition)
--The following students need to SEE ME before leaving class today:
  • Mikey H.
  • Lizzie P.
  • Lilly D.
  • Hunter L.
S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--Feel free to stop me whenever you hear me use one of our vocabulary words in context during today's lesson (but be aware that I might "check on" your understanding immediately thereafter!).
--I imagine "metacognition" is a word alien to many of you.  Who can define metacognition?
--rough goals from half-index cards last class read aloud--anyone know why I would do such a thing?!
--Let's take a look at the information below in order to fortify our understanding of the purpose of the remainder of today's lesson:
  • Excerpts from some of our standards (RL.4, RI.4, L.4) about what English 9 students can do read as follows:
    • "Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text"
    • "Use a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase"
  • As such, the following is a target for today's lesson:
    • When reading both fiction and nonfiction, I can use context clues to figure out what unfamiliar words and phrases most likely mean.
  • Reminder:  The following target is also fodder for today's lesson:
    • After reading fiction, I can...
      • write a plot summary that... 
        • is no more than five sentences in length
        • does not include any unnecessary plot details
        • does not include any of my own opinion.

    Review -- Vocabulary Unit #2 (10-12 mins.)
    --Before beginning, "anchor in" to our classroom expectations.  Remember that jeering is not permitted.  A terse jeer by one student, though seemingly innocent enough, often results in proliferation.  I would prefer not to have to admonish anyone via a gentle warning or, worse yet, subjugate anyone through a forceful warning.  Listen attentively and move forward in your understanding of our word list during this chunk of time--don't merely feint paying attention!
    • a student comes up to the SMART Board after a drawing of cards and, for a sentence of his or her choice, writes in the answer for the sentence/underlines the context clues used to arrive at the answer while engaging in a "think-aloud" about his or her logic--I WILL MODEL FIRST WITH ERRATIC
    --answers shared for remaining exercise items

    Closure/Self-Reflection (2-3 mins.)
    --FYI: The two most common "pitfalls" that occur when taking the vocabulary quizzes are as follows: improvement needed in using context clues AND incomplete knowledge of the function and meaning of words (perhaps due to a lack of good strategies for learning/remembering?). To which of these pitfalls (if any) did you succumb on the Unit #1 quiz, and how can you improve in the future?  (I know that some of you are dissatisfied with a mediocre performance or worse on the first assessment and are zeroing in on moving from good to GREAT!)

    Mini-Lesson (Part 2) -- Short Story in an "Hour" (flex time)

    --Reminder: objectives for this mini-lesson:

    • craft a plot summary as per our learning target
    • work cooperatively in small groups (listening, respecting, etc.)--SL.1 to the max!
    • comprehend the basic plot of most of Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves"
    --continuation of steps for this mini-lesson (following adjournment last class block):

    • Blocks 2 & 4: Stages of the story assigned via a drawing of cards.
    • Transition--pick up a copy of the "Short Story in an 'Hour'--Summary Notes/Stage Summary" document from the front table
    • Engage in a purposeful oral reading of the front side of the document prior to flipping it over.  What ought our purpose be while the oral reading occurs?
    • On the back of the document, write in the number that corresponds with your assigned Stage.
    • Quietly and independently gist-read your assigned Stage and jot down notes under the "Outline" section.  If time permits, begin crafting a summary that falls in line with both our target and the information on the front of the page with which you are working.
    • Respond to the following question and be prepared to share your ideas:
      • When working in groups in class to complete challenging, meaningful assignments, what must occur in order for groups to find success?
    • Share out in order to create a rough "Compact for Group Work."
    • Transition--get into groups based on like Stage
    • "Anchored in" to our rough "Compact for Group Work," work together in order to craft a summary that hits our target.  When you finish, one group member will share your summary with the whole class.
    • One group member shares the first summary and so on and so forth in chronological order so that all class members have a sense of the basic plot of almost the entire story.
      • During this time, students are expected to take notes for use when crafting a summary of Stages 1-4 of the story.
    Transition -- pick up a copy of the document titled "Ticket-Out-the-Door--RL.2 and Reflections on Collaboration and Personal Conduct" (time permitting)

    Closure (Option #1) -- Fold the Line/Musical Fold the Line (remainder of class time) 

    • First, consider your answer to this question: What is the gist of the section of the story that you just read?  If you were unable to finish the reading, what is the gist of what you were able to finish?
    • Form a line from youngest to oldest (youngest nearest the door) as quickly as possible.  You, of course, can talk while doing this!
    • Fold the line.
    • The person whose back is facing west will share the gist of his/her section first.  Then, the person whose back is facing east will do the same.  
    • When the music plays, move as directed (in a somewhat circular motion).
    • When the music stops, the person whose back is facing west will share the gist of his/her section.  Then, the person whose back is facing east will do the same.
    • Repeat this process (time permitting).
    Closure (Option #2) -- "Ticket-Out-the-Door--RL.2 and Reflections on Collaboration and Personal Conduct" (remainder of class time)
    --Using your notes from the previous portion of the class block, complete the first prompt.  Then, complete the rest of the prompts in as much detail as you can muster.
    • a few summaries shared
    HW (Class Preparation)
    --Finish preparing for the Unit #2 vocabulary quiz, which will take place at the beginning of class next time (Monday, 10/24 [ACE] or Tuesday, 10/25 [BDF]), bearing in mind your rough goal set last class.  REMEMBER THAT WORDS FROM PREVIOUS UNITS ARE "FAIR GAME" ON ANY VOCABULARY QUIZ THEREAFTER!   
    --Read your free reading book for at least 10 minutes between now and next class. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until the first week of December to finish your book.
    --Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em!