Thursday, February 11, 2016

English 10 Honors--2/11/2016

Jump Off
--Pick up the Unit #6 vocabulary quiz from the front table.  Make sure to carefully read all of the directions.  Complete the quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--When you finish with the assessment, place it on the floor next to your desk.  Then, pick up each of the following documents from the front table:
  • The Old Man and the Sea—Post-its Assessment
  • “Article of the Week #7 (2/15 - 2/19)—2015-2016 School Year”
Complete the Post-its assessment and, if time permits, get started on the AoW assignment.
S. the C.
--trade and grade--scored assessments returned to test-takers for self-reflection purposes--scored vocabulary assessments and Post-its assessments collected
Old Business -- Article of the Week #6
--if you are looking to earn a /+ for your active reading efforts, make sure to...
  • annotate the directions
  • attend to #1. and #2. in the directions box
  • use a variety of the other active reading strategies listed--I'm truly looking for a little of everything when you converse with text!
--exemplary paraphrases shared:

Throughout day-to-day conversations, people often use "they" incorrectly while referring to one singular person.  For example, one might say, "I went to the movies with a friend, and their car is so nice!"  This is technically an incorrect use of "they."  Instead, this sentence should include "his car" or "her car" because "they" suggests more than one person is being talked about.  According to ADS (American Dialect Society), a majority of the population misuse "they."

There is a small group of people who would choose not to be addressed by a gender-specific pronoun.  In fact, social media sites now allow for people not to identify as a gender, so a message that might read "you are friends with him" would instead read "you are friends with them."  Additionally, stories about people of one gender who surgically changed to the other were prominent in the media during 2015.  Characters on the big screen and even some modern day celebrities are transgender.  For this reason, when people refer to them with a masculine or feminine pronoun, they prefer to be called by the pronoun that matches their gender post-surgery.  To avoid any trouble with this matter, a fair amount of these people would choose to be referred to as "they" instead of a gender-specific word.

Looking Ahead -- Article of the Week #7
--Q & A

--Pick up a copy of the reading titled “Is He Serious?  And Other Ironies” (a section from Thomas C. Foster's How to Read Literature Like a Professor [2003]) from the front table.

Discussion Preparation – “Is He Serious?  And Other Ironies” and The Old Man and the Sea up to the End

--purposeful oral reading of Foster's section--attempt to answer/be ready to discuss these questions:

  • What is the gist?
  • What is Foster’s purpose?
  • Why does Hemingway portray Santiago as a Christ figure?
  • Why does the novella end the way that it does?
--continue responding to the questions above in your notebook (2/11/2016--Irony)
--Reminder: Specific references to texts tend to move contributions up into the 3/4 range during discussion!

Closure Discussion -- “Is He Serious?  And Other Ironies” and The Old Man and the Sea up to the End

HW (Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete Article of the Week #7, which is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 2/22 (our first class day back after break).  This task will include purposefully reading the directions in the box at the top of the page and completing your best work with regard to the directions.
HW (Class Preparation)
--Enjoy your free reading book over break.  You’ll have just about a month to finish your book and one-pager once we return from break.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!  See me if you have finished your book and need a one-pager.
--Think about your end-of-unit essay.  You should be prepared to officially “pitch” your idea to me when we return from break!
--Enjoy break--what a gift!
--Work toward achievement of a S.M.A.R.T. Goal?!

On the backburner:
  • ACT nonfiction passages and multiple choice questions