Friday, November 6, 2015

English 9--11/20/2015

Jump Off (15-20 mins.)
--Pick up the Unit #4 vocabulary quiz from the front table.  Make sure to carefully read all of the directions.  Complete the quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--When you finish with the assessment, place your work in the black basket on the front table.  If you do not already have a copy of each of the following, pick up the materials from the front table:

  • the "St. Lucy's..." Stage 4 Purposeful Reading Document (beginning with the RL.1 and RL.2 task)
  • the "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph!" template
S. the C. (5-8 mins.)

--Reminder: The End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt reads as follows:

Write a well-developed paragraph in which you support a meaningful and complex theme statement for Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves."  Use at least three pieces of strong textual evidence spanning the entire text, and be sure to tie back to your theme statement often. 

Structured Silent "Study Hall" (remainder of class)
--work quietly and independently on any of the three tasks below:
  • purposeful reading (all four reading tasks) of Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves"
  • planning, evidence-gathering, outlining, etc. for the End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment/Writing Piece
  • free reading
    • No one should be reading his or her free reading book unless he or she has completely finished reading and purposefully annotating Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's..." (arguably the most important section of the story in terms of "getting at" the true meaning and complexity of Russell's tale!).
HW (Class Preparation)
--If you were unable to do so during today's class block, finish purposefully reading (all four reading tasks) Stage 4 of "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves".  Next class, there will be a quiz about the reading aiming to both check your comprehension and check how well you purposefully read with regard to theme development, character complexity and development, purposeful diction, and structure impacting meaning.  You will be allowed to use notes when taking the quiz, but you will not be able to use your copy of the text itself!

--Read your free reading book for at least 15 minutes between now and next class.
  • One-pagers are due at the end of class on Thursday, 12/3 for those students who have yet to complete one. We will use some class time on this particular Wednesday to complete one-pagers. Students who have already submitted a one-pager will engage in free reading during this time. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em!