Wednesday, November 19, 2014

English 9--11/24/2014 (Blocks 1, 2, & 4 BDF)

Jump Off
--Please do the following:
  • Turn in your actively/purposefully read Article of the Week #6 and one-paragraph response by placing your work in the black basket on the front table.
  • Sit in your new assigned seat.
  • Take out your "Notes/Instruction as per Mr. Martin's Reflections" document (the packet with which we worked two classes ago).
  • Take out your "Stage Analysis Tool (RL.5)" homework, which was assigned for completion by the beginning of class two classes ago. Flip the document over to the back and reread your response to the bolded question at the bottom of the page, which reads as follows: "Overall, how do the epigraphs impact the reader's/readers' experience with the text?" Then, underline your main claim and summarize the gist of your response somewhere in the margin. Finally, add a bullet to the list on the front board in response to this prompt: "The epigraphs exist to..." The more information we have in this list, the better off we will be later in the class block when we get started on the End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment.
S. the C.
  • We will move from left to right-ish across the whiteboards today working together, taking notes, etc.
--Old Business: Wrap up the "Writing Workshop" block from two classes ago (black/blue area of the whiteboard)

Writing Workshop -- "St. Lucy's..." Mini-Unit--End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment/Writing Assignment
--work together to tear apart the upcoming writing assignment and establish a "plan of attack" in order to be set up for success (plum area of the whiteboard)
  • as we complete this work, consider the homework assignment due two classes ago (red area of the whiteboard)
--Transition--pick up a copy of the "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph!--Template for Crafting a Purpose-Driven, Tightly-Written Paragraph" document from the front table
--begin brainstorming for/outlining a paragraph about structure for your upcoming writing assignment (green area of the whiteboard)--I will model a bit, then set you free!
--Transition--grab a laptop from the cart, log in, and open up Microsoft Word as quickly as possible
--MLA Format quickly modeled--follow along and properly set up your paper
--set the parameters for work block (structure paragraph)

Before You Leave
--fully shut down your laptop, shut the laptop, place the laptop in the proper slot, and plug the laptop in with the proper cord
--pick up a copy of the "MLA Format" document from the podium by the door and file the document away in your binder--you will need this frequently this school year and beyond!

--Read your free reading book for at least an hour over break (I DARE YOU!). ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.
--Next time we meet, we will have computer access again for progress monitoring (i-Ready) and continued work drafting your End-of-Unit Assessment/Writing Assignment. It would be in your best interest to outline another body paragraph for your essay between now and next week. If you decide to do so (a wise decision!), additional paragraph templates are available on the podium next to the door.

Backburner Goals (Mr. Martin's Note-to-Self):
  • Review the parts of speech as introduction to our grammar work/in order to aid in vocabulary study