Thursday, November 13, 2014

English 10 Honors--11/19/2014

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--Please pick up a copy of Thomas C. Foster's chapter titled "Everywhere Is Just One Place" from How to Read Novels Like a Professor.  We will begin class today by gist reading Foster's work, briefly summarizing each of the paragraphs in the lefthand margin.  I will model with the first paragraph as we get started.

S. the C.
--Reminder: Keep the "Intertextuality Unit--The Alchemist and The Old Man and the Sea Culminating Essay Assignment" document in mind, as this is where we are head as we continue working through our first major literature unit of the school year.
--Reminder--Speaking and Listening Standards: English 10 Honors students can participate effectively in a collaborative discussion, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. This includes:

  • coming to the discussion prepared, having read and researched the material under study and explicitly drawing on that preparation by referring to evidence from the text and additional reading/research to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas.
  • propelling conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporating others into the discussion; and clarifying, verifying, or challenging ideas and conclusions.
  • responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarizing points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualifying or justifying their own views and understanding and making new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented. THIS MULTI-PART STANDARD WILL BE ASSESSED TODAY VIA THE "DISCUSSION CONTRIBUTION RATING SCALE."
Activity #1/Discussion Preparation -- Thomas C. Foster's "Everywhere Is Just One Place" from How to Read Novels Like a Professor
--conduct a gist reading of the text, briefly summarizing each of the paragraphs in the lefthand margin (an intelligent active reading strategy!)
--Transition--pick up a copy of the "Purposeful Reading Questions" from the front table and read and attend to the directions back at your desk
  • Q & A
  • I will model one response--majority rules!
--independent work time
--partner work time

--Read back through your responses.  Star the two that you feel most prepared to talk about during today's discussion.  Then, form a circle out of the desks.

Circle Discussion -- Thomas C. Foster's "Everywhere Is Just One Place" from How to Read Novels Like a Professor
--set the context for the discussion--as learners, what do you stand to gain?
--today's discussion will follow a pre-established order until I indicate otherwise!
--discuss responses to each of the questions as per the protocol

Circle Discussion (cont.) -- Magical Realism, Paulo Coelho Author Background, and The Alchemist up to the End
--Transition--take out the following items: "The Alchemist Novel Unit--Genre Notes" page, notebook, the "Have You..." list from several classes ago, active/purposeful reading notes, and any additional discussion ideas
--continue engaging in discussion as per the protocol

Items for discussion:
  • What is magical realism?  What are magical realist authors "up to"?
  • How does Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist "fit the magical realism bill", so to speak?
  • Magical Realism Mini-Lesson closure pieces:
    • Reconsider your preliminary theme statement from the assessment a few classes back and those shared by Mr. Martin earlier in the class block. As magical realism, Paulo Coelho’s novella contains elements of fantasy, and yet these elements help provide an insight into the true human condition, the way that real human beings think and act. How so?
  • Connections between Paulo Coelho's life and the novella
  • The "Have You..." list (e.g., Have you found any meaningful quotations that have "spoken to you"?)
  • Application of new terms/concepts (e.g., dilemma, fable, foil) to the novella
    • For example, you might attempt to answer this question: What characters in the novella serve as foils to each other?  How so?  What is Coelho's purpose?
  • Active/purposeful reading notes
Transition -- re-column the desks

Closure -- "Today, I learned..."
--On a scrap of paper (or an index card from the front table if you prefer), finish the sentence-started above in no fewer than three sentences.  Practice writing in a detailed and explanatory fashion.
--You must properly use at least one of the 75 vocabulary words with which we have dealt somewhere within what you write, and try not to force it!

--Remember that I reserve the right to conduct a reading assessment at any time.  It would be in your best interest to continuously review your reading notes for The Alchemist and any related materials.  Remember, too, that you are expected to both understand and apply your understandings of the following terms/concepts to your reading of the novella (in addition to the typical terms/concepts such as setting, symbolism, theme, etc.): allegory (add this to your "Terms/Concepts/Tips--A Running List" section of your notebook), aphorism, dilemma, everyman (add to notebook), fable, foil, genre, interior monologue, leitmotif, magical realism, monomyth (hero's journey), motif, myth, paradox (add to notebook), and quest.  A sample assessment question/prompt, then, might look like the following:
  • How is Paulo Coelho's novella The Alchemist a blending of several literary modes/genres?  Consider using any or all of the following terms in your response: genre, allegory, fable, and magical realism.  What is one likely purpose Coelho was looking to fulfill when he decided to tell such a story?
--The due date for submitting a revised Thematic Writing Assignment--Partner Interviews essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is the end of the day on Friday, November 21st (two days from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with me to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol.  Time for meetings will exist in class on Friday, which is a half-day, on a first-come, first-served basis beginning with Josh B.
--Finish your work with Article of the Week #7, which is due at the beginning of class next time (Friday, November 21st).  This task will include purposefully reading the directions in the box at the top of the page and completing your best work with regard to the directions.  You might consider visiting the following web address in order to have access to the hyperlinks included within the article:
--Don't forget about your free reading book.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  We will definitely read in class next time.