Friday, June 8, 2012

English 10 Honors--6/8/2012

Jump Off
—Pick up a copy of the Works Cited page from the front table.  Mr. Martin will be around with your scored final writing assignments.  (Though you may be tempted to go through all of Mr. Martin’s comments and “process” your score, resist this temptation.  You’ll have time to look through comments later!)
—Take out your research guide, and open up to the final page.  We will work through this page together at the start of class by working with our final writing assignments.

S. the C. – agenda/rationale/HW, remind students about Obligation Forms/overdue library books

Mini-Lesson – Parenthetical References
—Pose this question: What is the rationale behind this research guide?
—complete the third page together—use Works Cited page and essays (revise accordingly)
a—take some time to read through Mr. Martin’s comments—Mr. Martin will answer any questions/instruct “on the fly” accordingly

Transition – form a circle for our final Life of Pi discussion

DiscussionLife of Pi up to almost the end
—determine a maximum discussion length together
—refreshments sign-up for next class

Transition – re-row desks

Flexible Work Block – Final Assessment Work Time AND/OR DEAR
—work block as per two options
—Mr. Martin will be calling students over to check in regarding final assessments

—Final assessments are due next class (Mr. Martin is excited!)—be ready to present/share
—Finish Life of Pi by next class