Tuesday, December 15, 2020

English 9--12/16/2020

Writing Workshop/Anticipatory Activity -- Act 3--Paraphrasing Practice

--Please read the following sentence to yourself a few times while I prepare to transition us into the next part of the agenda:

"In Act 2, scene 6, Friar Lawrence secretly marries Romeo and Juliet even though he has second thoughts."

When you are instructed to do so, in the "Classwork" tab, please find the assignment titled "Paraphrasing Practice."  Then, click on the first file (a Google Doc titled "Paraphrasing Practice Preparation)."  We will work through the directions together to begin the next part of today's class block.
--turn and talk/share via "Chat"
--craft a successful paraphrase together on the SMART Board
--Bearing in mind what you are "picking up" about paraphrasing from the last few minutes, please attend to the following task:

Below, you will find the first line of a series of lines spoken by Benvolio early in Act 3.  After reading Benvolio's line at least three times, decide which of the four "paraphrases" that follow is the best.  Be ready to both share and defend your choice.

"We talk here in the public haunt of men":
  • This place is haunted by our words.
  • We are having a conversation out in the open where all the townspeople hang out.
  • We discuss here in the not private haunt of males.
  • Several townspeople are present while our conversation takes place in this spot.
--discuss via another turn and talk/share via "Chat"
  • discuss as a whole class
    • Which is best?