Monday, February 24, 2020

English 10--2/26/2020 & 2/27/2020

Jump Off
--Please pick up a copy of each of the following from the front table: 
  • the "Library--Day 2" halfsheet
  • the "Working With Your Sources" halfsheet  
We will deal with each of these sheets together before heading over to the library.  Following Mrs. Donohue's instruction at the library today, "anchor in" to our "Compact for Work Time" and work with each of the halfsheets.

S. the C.
--MODELING the halfsheets


--Today in the library, you are...
  • seating yourselves at the computers via a drawing of cards.
  • engaging with instruction delivered by Mrs. Donohue.
  • continuing to explore databases in search of more scholarly, credible sources.
    • Inputting potentially useful sources in NoodleTools (building a rough Works Cited page) so that you can easily re-access any that might end up being used in your final research paper!
  • printing out at least one source that you found via the databases.
  • actively/purposefully reading at least one source as per the directions on the "Working With Your Sources" halfsheet.  Ultimately, you are continuing to conduct research in order to develop a "focused knowledge" of your topic.  Think of it this way:
    • Could you come up to the podium and talk intelligently about your topic for fifteen minutes without repeating yourself?
  • working on narrowing your topic by zeroing in on the "right" inquiry question with the knowledge that the paper you will eventually write will be argumentative.  As such, you should be jotting down new questions as they occur to you.
  • meeting with me and sharing your active/purposeful reading notes as well as answering my follow-up questions.
Practice/Take-Home Assessment/Class Preparation
--Complete Membean training until you have earned 100 correct responses or trained for a total of 45 minutes over three different days before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 2/27. 
--Complete another cycle of Membean training until you have earned 100 correct responses or trained for a total of 45 minutes over three different days before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 3/5. 
Writing/Class Preparation
--Please continue thinking about the following questions:
  • Research Unit: What might you ARGUE with regard to your research topic?  Do you find yourself coming any closer to an answer to this question?
  • End-of-Course Assignment: What is your "why?"?
Class Preparation
--Aim to read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class block. 
You have up until Wednesday, 3/11 to finish your book.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!

Image result for meme about finishing a book

--Consider working toward achievement of your S.M.A.R.T. Goal.  Do something great this calendar year!
--BDF classes: Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em! :)