Thursday, December 14, 2017

English 9--12/18/2017 (Block 3 BDF)

Jump Off

--Please pick up each of the following sheets from the front table and wait quietly for further directions:

  • "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph!" notes page
  • "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph!--Template..." example page

--Please SEE ME before leaving class today:
  • Abigail F.
  • Rebecca L.
  • Dakota S.
S. the C.
--You should leave class today...
  • able to define the following:
    • topic sentence(s)
    • detail(s), piece(s) of evidence, example(s), direct quotation(s)
    • tieback(s)
    • all-encompassing concluding sentence(s)
  • knowing how to convert a rough outline to a formal outline and having practiced doing so and, as such, with strategies for...
    • writing (a) topic sentence(s)
    • introducing detail(s), etc. with appropriate grammar
    • writing tieback(s)
    • writing all-encompassing concluding sentence(s)
  • having reviewed how to parenthetically reference direct quotations
  • with tips written down in your notes intended to help you avoid some of the common mistakes made in the past on this particular writing assignment
  • with your formal outline ("A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph!--Template...") entirely completed/improved.
--You might leave class today...
  • further along in your free reading book than you currently are.

Instructional Activity -- Crafting a Purpose-Driven, Tightly-Written Paragraph/Converting a Rough Outline to a Formal Outline
--purposeful oral reading of "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph!" notes page
--"think-aloud" conducted for example page (application of notes page)
  • call attention to tips written on the front board
--in pairs working quietly, continue the conversion work that I have started for 8 minutes
--share-out via a drawing of cards
  • example paragraph shared and added to
--Take out your homework (formal outline for the "End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment" writing piece using the "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph--Template..." sheet).

Application Activity/Flex Block -- Converting Your Rough Outline to a Formal Outline/Improving Your Formal Outline/Free Reading
--work quietly and independently finishing/improving your formal outline for 10-15 minutes, keeping track of issues you are encountering, questions that you have, etc.
--When you finish, engage in free reading.

Closure -- Q & A
--address issues, questions, etc. via a drawing of cards until class ends
  • additional tips, etc. written on the front board
HW Time (time permitting)

HW (Class Preparation)
--The "End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment" for "St. Lucy's..." will take place in class NEXT time (Wednesday, 12/20), and you are free to use your formal outline and any additional planning that you bring with you to the test site.
--Read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!
  • "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go" (Dr. Seuss, "I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!").