Wednesday, December 13, 2017

English 10 Honors--12/15/2017 & 12/18/2017

Jump Off
--If you have a phone, please place it in the receptacle on the front table.  Then, spend a few minutes getting yourself situated for writing (take out notes, outlines, etc.).  Finally, pick up a copy of the "End-of-Unit Writing Assessment (Regents Part 3)" document from the front table.  After purposefully reading the information on the top half of the first page and the rubric, wait patiently and quietly for further directions.

--The following students have earned an INCOMPLETE for Marking Period 2 and need to stay after class today:
  • Person from Whom I Never Received a Nickname
  • Wubazz
S. the C.
  • The following resources are available for you on the front table:
    • "Theme Statements--The Do Nots/The Dos"
    • "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph--Template..."
    • "Introducing Quoted Material"
  • The whiteboard includes information for my English 9 classes that will likely help you today, too!
  • I am wondering if you have any other needs that I have not anticipated?
--pre-formed groups assigned

Assessment -- Animal Farm: End-of-Unit Writing Assessment (Regents Part 3)
--"anchored in" to the "Compact for Group Work", write your group response in the time permitted
--When you finish, see Mr. Martin for selection of a writing piece representative of your group.

HW Time (remainder of class)
--complete one of the following tasks quietly and independently until the class block ends:
  • Membean training on a phone
  • Free reading
  • Article of the Week #1 rewritten argumentative writing piece
HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment/Class Preparation)
--Complete a total of 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 12/21.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).
HW (Class Preparation)
--Read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!  
  • "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go" (Dr. Seuss, "I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!").
--Using your Article of the Week #1 argumentative writing piece as a starting point and bearing in mind our recent "Writing an Academic Argument" work, type in MLA format a two-paragraph argument of no more than 750 words in response to the following question: Should we (Mr. and Mrs. Martin) or should we not buy our oldest son, six-year-old Caleb, a tablet for Christmas this year?  When scoring and/or providing growth-oriented feedback upon your written work, I will have the following framework in mind:

Page 3 of this link:

This writing assignment is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 12/19 [ACE]/Wednesday, 12/20 [BDF]).