Tuesday, December 1, 2015

English 9--12/7/2015

Jump Off
--Take out your notebook, date the page (12/7/2015), and label this section of your notes "Irony Rough Notes."  Then, write down each of the items written up on the front board ("Irony," "Situational Irony," "Verbal Irony," and "Dramatic Irony"), skipping a few lines between each item.  Finally, under each of the items, write down everything that you think you know so that I can get a sense of your collective prior knowledge and tailor the contents of today's mini-lesson accordingly.  I will post an illustrated Shel Silverstein poem that is ironic in an attempt to help you out a little bit!

S. the C.

--Pick up a copy of the "Mr. Martin's English--Soft Skills Self-Assessment" document from the front table.

Self-Assessment -- 2nd Marking Period Soft Skills
--sample self-assessment shared in order to demonstrate desired level of specificity
--complete the self-assessment quietly and independently as directed

  • rough averages/my soft skills "red-flags" (if any) shared
--When you finish, place your self-assessment in the black basket on the front table and engage in free reading until everyone has completed the assessment.  Students who have yet to pick a free reading book for the next two marking periods will read Upfront newsmagazine.
Mini-Lesson -- The Three Types of Irony
By the end of the mini-lesson, you should:
  • be able to define both irony in general and the three main types of irony
  • be able to recognize each of the types of irony in action
  • understand some of the reasons why authors implement irony
  • have a solid page of notes to study in order to master irony--your mastery and the notes page itself should aid you in future endeavors
--share out work from the Jump Off in order to begin creating class definitions for each of the terms--add to your rough notes in your notebook
--purposefully view three video clips, each of which corresponds with one of the three types of irony--your purpose:
  • Knowing that each video exemplifies a type of irony, add to each of the definitions in your notebook
  • Consider the way that you feel/the impact that the irony is having on you as a viewer--write your thoughts in your notebook
 Video Clips:

Clip from M. Night Shyamalan's 2002 film Signs (I'll provide a brief plot summary first):

Tw0-thirds of Will Ferrell's "Dissing Your Dog" skit from Saturday Night Live (I'll give a heads up about language first):


Clip from DreamWorks' 2001 film Shrek (a student provides a brief plot summary first):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaHEwoagAjQ (poor video quality--sorry!)
--following each video clip, add to our rough notes up on the front board/your rough notes in your notebook
--Transition--pick up the "Irony Notes" page from the front table
--independently or in pairs (assigned by me), purposefully read the notes page (How did we do?!), write an example for each type of irony (from the video clips, works you have read in school in the past, and/or real life), and jot down in list form authorial purpose(s)/intended effect(s) (e.g., humor)
--whole-class share-out--add to official notes page
  • connect back to our work with "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" (contrast and contradictions and theme development)
  • For each of the following examples, if you think that the example is situational irony, hold up ONE finger.  If you think that the example is verbal irony, hold up TWO fingers.  If an example best fits dramatic irony, hold up THREE fingers.  Finally, if an example is in no way ironic at all, hold up a FIST.
  • Put your head down on your desk, listen to each example, and throw your hand up in the air!
1. I failed the test because I did not study.
2. Dave’s blood pressure medication gave him a heart attack.
3. Juliet took a sleeping potion, but Romeo, who has no idea, thinks that she is dead and hastily takes his own life.
4. The box of airdropped humanitarian aid landed on the refugee and crushed him to death.
5. I missed the job interview because I overslept.
6. “Thank you for this ticket, Officer. You just made my day.”
--Where should you put this notes page?

Closure -- Whip Around
--Think of one "thing" you learned in class today.  (If you need to write your key learning down so that you don't forget, please do so!)
--Toss the ball around the classroom from one to another sharing learnings.

Brain Break -- Mum Ball (time permitting)

HW (Class Preparation)
--By the middle of next week, you are expected to have a free reading book selected for the next two marking periods, and you are also expected to bring the book to class every day that we meet.  Please see me if you would like some help getting a suitable book picked out (as the whole purpose of free reading is enjoyment).