Monday, November 25, 2013

English 9--12/3/2013

Jump Off
--Pick up the slip of paper titled "Complex Sentences/Subordinating Conjunctions Warm-up" from the front table. Find and fix any errors related to commas with WUBAIS words. Good luck!
--Mr. Martin returns Closure pieces from last class.

S. the C.

--Mr. Martin shares list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio--Would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during Mr. Martin's office hours (posted up on the front board)?
--The due date for submission is Friday, 12/20/2013 (a little over 2.5 weeks from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be given back to Mr. Martin for submission ASAP.
--turn to a neighbor and quickly go over the Jump Off--do you need Mr. Martin at all?
--share a few grammatically correct sentences from the Closure completed at the end of last class:

Because I find some of the grammar rules arduous, I will get help from Mr. Martin when needed.

I will do this be rectifying all conjunctions errors when I reread.

Although I used good vocabulary words, I will need to use better spelling and check over my work.

--Today's quiz will assess your ability to:

  • demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing (L.1).
--Today, we will also work on:
  • RI.1a
  • RI.4
  • SL.1
  • L.4

Transition/Assessment -- Complex Sentences/Subordinating Conjunctions
--Pick up the "Assessment: Complex sentences/subordinating conjunctions" from the front table. After purposefully reading the directions, carefully complete the task at hand.
--When you finish with the quiz, place your completed work in the black basket on the front table and attend to the "Transition" below:

--Pick up both the "Annotating Text--A Tried and True Method" document and the "Odyssey Unit--Learning Standards" document from the front table.  Engage in a "gist reading" of the "Odyssey Unit--Learning Standards" document while waiting for your peers to finish the assessment.

Close Reading/Unit Introduction #1 -- Odyssey Unit--Learning Standards
--oral reading of the "Learning Standards" document for the gist
--set our purpose for our second reading of the "Learning Standards" via modeling:
  • practice close reading by using the "tried and true method"
  • bear in mind the following questions while "conversing" with the contents of the document:
    • What standards do you see that we have already worked on this year?
    • What standards do you see that are new to this unit?
    • What similarities exist between some of the standards?
--engage in close reading/annotating quietly and independently
--at the SmartBoard, summarize each of the standards (draw a card for first contributor--"popcorn" henceforth)
--engage in whole-group discussion by sharing additional close reading annotations/responding to the three questions above
--file away your "Learning Standards" document--DO NOT LOSE THE DOCUMENT, AS WE WILL RETURN TO IT THROUGHOUT THE UNIT

Unit Introduction #2 -- "What Makes a Hero?"--The Monomyth (Hero's Journey)
--view TEDEd video titled "What Makes a Hero?" for the gist--be ready to share out once we've finished viewing the video:
--share out--create a bulleted list on the front board of items that resonated when viewing for the gist
--HW assigned
--Transition--pick up the "Odyssey Unit--Monomyth (Hero’s Journey) Application Brainstorming" halfsheet from the front table

Closure/HW Time

--The due date for submitting a revised "The Lady or the Tiger?" Well-Developed Paragraph Response for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is Friday, 12/20/2013 (a little over 2.5 weeks from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with Mr. Martin to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol. When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--Mr. Martin will be after school today if you'd like to stay and work on revisions. Be proactive!  Kudos to those of you who have already stayed after to work--your efforts are admirable!
--Purposefully complete the "Odyssey Unit--Monomyth (Hero's Journey) Application Brainstorming" halfsheet as directed.  Be prepared to discuss your ideas next class.