Wednesday, January 8, 2020

English 10--1/9/2020 & 1/10/2020

Jump Off (2 mins.)
--Please sit in your new assigned seats again.
--Please take out your notebook and draw a line underneath what you wrote last class block.  Date the page (1/9/2020 [ACE] or 1/10/2020 [BDF]).  At the start of class today, we will view a(nother) talk by Simon Sinek aiming to (further) clarify the concept of the "why?."

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)

Thinking, Writing, and Speaking Activity  -- The Time Machine, The Quest for Your "Why?", and Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Part 1--The Time Machine and The Quest for Your "Why?" (cont.) (35-40 mins.)
--view the following talk:

Block 2 BDF/Block 4 BDF

Block 1 ACE
  • Jot down notes about what resonates with you while viewing the talks, considering the questions that overarch our course and the writing responses you just completed:
    • Why do people do what they do, say what they say, etc.?
      • Why do you do what you do, say what you say, etc.?  Why did you write the "things" that you wrote earlier in class?
    • What are human beings really like?
    • What is your "why?", and how is it related to your observations about/understanding of human nature?
--Block 4 ACETransition
  • Pick up a copy of the "The Quest for Your 'Why?'" sheet from the front table.
--(finish) look(ing) through the front of the "The Quest..." sheet together
--list three "whats?" on the back of your sheet if you have not already done so (MODEL)
--following the directions MODELED via starting with the "whats?"
--complete the task at hand quietly and independently
--form partnerships
--Closure #1
  • partner share (up to 60 seconds per partner) with regard to these topics:
    • "The Time Machine" writing responses (the "whats")
    • Simon Sinek's video(s)
      • What resonated?
    • Your WHY?
--Closure #2
  • whole-class share-out (cards drawn--up to 60 seconds per student--YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PASS!)
--Please do the following:
  • take out the following: 
    • any notes that will help you continue moving forward on the group writing assignment
    • your copy of the "Writing Paragraphs" document (notes and template) for your group's characterization paragraph
  • pick up the following from the front table: 
    • a copy of Animal Farm
    • your copy of the "Writing Paragraphs" document (notes and template) if it was collected last class block
--today's steps MODELED on the SMART Board
Writing Workshop (Phase 3 cont.) -- Animal Farm End-of-Unit Writing Assessment (Regents Part 3)
--Complete the following steps:
  • Get back into groups.
  • "Anchored in" to our "Compact for Group Work", ...
    • read, discuss, and attend to any feedback that I provided for your group's first paragraph.
      • For example, if one of the comments reads, "Carefully copy quotes so as to avoid accidental plagiarism," use your copies of the novella to fix the mistakes.
    • finish sharing evidence and tiebacks so as to complete the template for your group's first paragraph.
      • Does anything need to be changed?  Added?  Etc.  (If so, "take care of business" accordingly!)
    • as per the modeling that occurred earlier in the block, agree upon and write introductions for each piece of evidence.
    • agree upon and write an all-encompassing concluding sentence.
    • divvy up first paragraph typing tasks (e.g., Jonah types sentences 1-3, Nicki types sentences 4-6, and Chris types sentences 7-9).
--Obtain your Chromebook from the cart in the back of the classroom and log in.

Writing Workshop (Phase 4) -- Short Story "Unit"--End-of-"Unit" Writing Assessment (Regents Part 3)
--one student per group creates a shared Google Doc
  • MODEL (if necessary)
--group-type response
  • MODEL (if necessary)
Closure -- Ticket-to-Hooked-on-Books
  • share Google Doc with me
    • MODEL
  • return Chromebooks
HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment/Class Preparation)
--Complete Membean training until you have earned 100 correct responses or trained for a total of 45 minutes over three different days before 11:59 PM THIS THURSDAY (1/9).  (See the most recent "English Department Membean Routine" sheet.)
--Complete another cycle of Membean training until you have earned 100 correct responses or trained for a total of 45 minutes over three different days before 11:59 PM next Thursday (1/16).  (See the most recent "English Department Membean Routine" sheet.)
--Continue reviewing your notes for Animal Farm in preparation for continuing/finishing the in-class writing assignment before the end of Marking Period 3.
--Continue thinking about the following questions:
  • Research Unit: What topic(s) might you write about in your argumentative research paper?
  • End-of-Course Assignment: What is your "why?"?
HW (Class Preparation)
--Read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.
  • ""You can't buy happiness, but you can buy books...and that's kind of the same thing."
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em! :)

On the backburner:
  • Adding to "Interest Inventory" (AGAIN!)--selecting an initial research topic