Monday, June 4, 2018

English 9--6/5/2018 & 6/6/2018

Jump Off
--Take out your FINALIZED, typed-in-MLA The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet End-of-Unit Essay and place it in the black basket on the front table.  Please keep in mind our classroom policy for meeting due dates of long-term assignments if, for some reason, you do not have your best work to turn in.
--Please pick up an index card from the front table.  On the index card, jot down notes in response to the following questions:
  • What's the "deal" with Frank R. Stockton's "The Lady, or the Tiger?"?
  • What resonates/"stands out"?
  • What events seem important?
--FYI: You should take copious notes during today's class block in order to help you prepare for the English 9 Final Examination.  I will take pictures of whatever ends up on the front board, but I'm sure I won't catch everything!

S. the C.

  • It is important for you to stay caught up with regard to all of your coursework.  It is in your best interest to check the blog and Schooltool often.  Additionally, if you have an "INC" for a Marking Period, following up with me ASAP would be wise!
  • Free reading evidence (a one-pager, a book-talk, etc.) is OPTIONAL for the last two marking periods.  If you finished a book and decide to present evidence for an excellence score to be reported as part of your Marking Period 6 GPA,  you must do so by 3:00 PM on Monday, 6/11.  Please make arrangements accordingly.
  • I need you to turn in school materials (e.g., the Parsons text) ASAP.  Also, if you have any other books in your possession that belong to me, I need those back as well!
  • The English 9 Final Examination will take place on Wednesday, 6/13 from 7:40 AM to 10:40 AM.  Continue preparing for a successful performance via the review sheet/information sheet, notes taken during today's class block, any other helpful materials in your binder, etc.
--partner share
--brief whole-class share-out via a drawing of cards so as to populate a list of "gist" notes on the whiteboard
--today's agenda previewed

Purposeful Oral Reading Preparation -- "The Lady, or the Tiger?"
--model purposeful reading tasks with examples from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
  • resonant passages
  • characterization
  • emergent themes
Purposeful Oral Reading -- "The Lady, or the Tiger?"
--box resonant passages, annotating in response to the "why?" question:
  • Why is this passage "standing out" to you?
--underline details that help you answer the following questions about important characters:
  • What is ______ like?
  • Why does _____ do what he/she does, say what he/she says, etc.?
--make a list of potential theme words in the extra space available on the final page of the story
  • Strongly consider using your character notes!
--independent work time--finish purposeful reading tasks
--partner share (same partners as earlier in the class block)

--form desk groups for stations activity

Stations Activity -- "The Lady, or the Tiger?"--English 9 Final Examination Writing Tasks
--work at each station (flex time) in order to prepare for closure discussion

Closure -- "The Lady, or the Tiger?"--English 9 Final Examination Writing Tasks Ball Toss
--"Today, I realized/concluded/learned that..."
  • As students pass the ball around, specifically completing this sentence-starter and responding to follow-up questions, I will capture notes on the whiteboard.