Monday, February 26, 2018

English 9--2/28/2018 & 3/1/2018

Jump Off (2-3 mins.)
--Pick up each of the following from the front table: 
  • the "Drama Terms Notes/Poetry Terms Notes" document
  • an index card
  • the "Viewing/Reading Guide" sheet for the Prologue prior to Act 1
  • the "Act 1, Prologue" sheet
--Using background knowledge, clues included within the word itself (e.g., the prefix "pro"), and, if necessary, or a dictionary, respond to the following question: What does the term "prologue" mean?  Write your response on the lined side of your index card.

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)

--Beginning with the end in mind--our ultimate purpose when completing a first-draft "reading" and closely re-reading sections of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet:

End-of-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:
Write a multi-paragraph essay in which you argue the extent to which both Romeo and Juliet are impulsive by analyzing their behaviors during similar circumstances.  Then, answer the "so what?" question.  So what?!  Who cares?!  Why does this matter?!

--agenda/HW (responses to the question posed in the "Jump Off" shared as part of assignment explanation)

Activity -- Drama Terms Notes/Poetry Terms Notes Posters (flex time)
--engage in a "materials assessment" together
--directions given:
  • Use resources (smartphones, computer, literature books, dictionaries, etc.) in order to determine what is needed to fill in the blank(s) for your term.
    • Wave your teacher(s) over when you finish in order to check your work before moving further forward.
  • Paraphrase the definition of your term.
    • Again, wave your teacher(s) over when you finish in order to check your work before moving further forward.
  • Create a visually appealing poster for your term to share with the rest of the class, including...
    • the term prominently displayed
    • the paraphrased definition of your term
    • an example of your term “in action”
    • a corresponding visual.
  • Prepare a brief presentation to share with the rest of the class in which you...
    • share your term and paraphrased definition
    • make sure that your classmates are able to fill in the blanks on their notes page for your term
    • share your example and visual in order to clarify the meaning of your term
    • are prepared to respond to any questions from your classmates regarding your term.
--terms assigned/materials gathered 
  • Block 2 ACE/Block 2 BDF classes will have several students dealing with two terms.
--quickly create a "Compact for Independent Work"
--independent work time
Mini-Presentations/Notetaking -- Drama Terms Notes/Poetry Terms Notes (flex time)
--When preparing/practicing your mini-presentation, keep this information about content and these seven public speaking tips in mind:

    • Your presentation must include all four of the items included in the bulleted list above, but you should not just read from your notes page and your poster!
    Delivery (Public Speaking Tips)
    • Pause/smile in front and gain the attention of your audience before speaking.
    • Speak loudly enough to be heard by all.
    • Speak at an appropriate speed (NOT TOO FAST).
    • Speak with enthusiasm.
    • Make clear attempts at eye contact to ALL parts of the classroom.
    • Limit vocal fillers ("umm", "ahh", long silences, etc.)--NO MORE THAN 3-5 PER MINUTE.
    • Limit distracting body movements (podium tapping, hair smoothing, etc.). 
    --mini-presentations practiced in pairs
    --mini-presentations delivered/notetaking

    Closure -- Ball Toss (time permitting)
    --Tell us something that you now know/understand that you did not know/understand/understand fully before class today.

    HW Time (time permitting)

    HW (Class Preparation)
    --Block 2 ACE: Next class, you will be given 15 minutes to wrap up your posters and mini-presentation preparation prior to the first mini-presentation ("Drama" and "Tragedy").  Please prepare accordingly!
    --Purposefully/actively read the text on the "Act 1, Prologue" sheet, which is the famous prologue to William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.  Then, complete the five questions on the "Viewing/Reading Guide" sheet as preparation for analysis/discussion/(an assessment?) next class.  Consider visiting the following web address:
    --You are strongly advised to continue reviewing your work with "The Cask of Amontillado" as preparation for an assessment that mirrors your work with this short story.  This assessment will likely occur next week.

    --Read at least 10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  Your book must be finished by mid-March.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!

    • "We read to know we are not alone" (C.S. Lewis).

    --You can expect to finish the mini-presentation/notetaking activity next class if we do not entirely finish today.


    • Writing returned/revised in waves
      • Wave 2--organization as per sample paragraphs for "The Cask of Amontillado"
        • Prior to "The Interlopers", share a few paragraphs as review of both organization and the concepts therein.
      • Wave 3--grammar hammer as per common errors
    • Continuing to master Reading Literature standards, irony, and theme
    • Gnomeo & Juliet review
      • continuing to master Reading Literature standards, irony, and theme
        • Prior to "The Interlopers", complete acting activity reviewing the types of irony from both Gnomeo & Juliet and Act 1 of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
      • opening a window into The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
    • Short works--The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Unit
      • Saki's "The Interlopers"