Sunday, February 23, 2014

English 10 Honors--2/26/2014

Jump Off
--Turn in your writing assignment by placing it in the black basket on the front table.
--Spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the Unit #6 vocabulary words.  Today's review activity requires knowledge of the meanings of the words and the ability to use the words in sentences.
--Please see Mr. Martin:
  • Izzy T.
S. the C.
--Reminder: The few of you still needing to take care of CWP revisions due to my absence--let's get together ASAP! :)
--review activity (The Garbage Game) explained

Transition -- two teams formed via a drawing of cards--seats moved accordingly

Review Activity -- Vocabulary Unit #6: The Garbage Game
--play The Garbage Game--+1 bonus point on vocabulary quiz awarded to the members of the winning team
--as the game is being played, when it is not a student's turn, he or she should be looking in his or her vocabulary book

Transition -- re-row desks and pick up an argumentative literary analysis paragraph and a pencil (if you do not already have one) from Mr. Martin at the front of the classroom

Peer Editing -- Argumentative Literary Analysis Paragraph
--Mr. Martin models coded feedback and scoring with a sample paragraph on the SmartBoard (see “HEDI Scale for Writing” written up on the front board for scoring purposes)--a gist reading conducted first
--independent work time (provide coded feedback and a rough score for a peer)

Transition -- pick up an MDOLC halfsheet from the front table/return paragraphs to peers (MR. MARTIN HANDED OUT IN BOTH BLOCKS FOR OPTIONAL HOMEWORK PURPOSES)

--Use the halfsheet to process through peer feedback (MR. MARTIN MODELS IF NECESSARY).

Transition -- pick up a copy of the essay from the front table (POSTPONED IN BOTH BLOCKS)

Looking Ahead (time permitting) -- Roland Barthes' "The Death of the Author" (1967) (POSTPONED IN BOTH BLOCKS)
--begin conducting a gist reading of the essay--feel free to annotate a little bit (though this is not the purpose during an initial reading)

--Finish preparing for the Unit #6 vocabulary quiz, which will take place at the beginning of class on Friday. Don’t forget about the "Whimsical Words" or should-be-mastered words from previous units. The incentive plan is in place for this week’s quiz.
--The argumentative literary analysis paragraph writing assignment (revised based on today’s class), which will count as a Quarter 3 Writing grade and be included in the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, is officially due at the beginning of next class.  Feel free to use the provided halfsheet to process through the feedback provided by your peer before engaging in the process of revising.
--Finish your gist reading of Roland Barthes’ “The Death of the Author.” (POSTPONED IN BOTH BLOCKS)