Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Senior English--5/30/2013

Jump Off
--Spend the first few minutes of class studying for the forthcoming Unit #11 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Mr. Martin will be around after study time with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!

--When you finish with the quiz, take out your copy of The Kite Runner and any notes that you have taken while reading.  Flip back through pages 202-292.  We have not talked about the book in a little while--what's on your mind?

S. the C.
--sample final assignment

Discussion -- The Kite Runner up to page 292
--engage in discussion--Mr. Martin will be assessing contributions 
--Following discussion, take out your The Kite Runner film sheet from last class.

Film -- Marc Forster's The Kite Runner
--continue viewing the film/considering items on the sheet
--If you would prefer to read during this block of time, feel free to do so.
--If you still need to revise your research paper to achieve mastery for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio and/or need to meet with Mr. Martin, do so during this block of time.  WE HAVE ONE WEEK REMAINING AFTER TODAY.

Closure -- Discuss the Film/Novel
--Mr. Martin will be assessing contributions

--Read up to the bottom of page 332 of The Kite Runner. Jot down notes for comprehension/discussion on Post-its, on a sheet of paper, in your notebook...whatever you prefer!  You must finish the novel by our last day of class--the final novel exam will take place on this day (Friday, 6/7/2013).  Continue reviewing your "Mini-Research Presentation Notes" as well.
--If you need to continue revising your research paper in order to achieve mastery for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, proactively get the job done.  
--The Regional Post-Assessment will take place during our second class next week (Wednesday, 6/5/2013) . Though the contents of said test are a bit of a mystery, the test will likely be similar to the Regional Pre-Assessment completed on 11/8/2012. You might be asking yourself, Can I prepare for this test? The answer is yes, and Mr. Martin hopes that you do, as this test is meant to help him determine what you learned throughout the year.
--The final assignment of the year for Mr. Martin’s Senior English students is an informal sharing of a major accomplishment/prideful moment from your final year of high school.  The sharing process will begin next class (Monday, 6/3/2013).  Mr. Martin's model from today should set the bar for expectations (a visual and specific details)--look to reach (or go above and beyond!) the bar.