Wednesday, May 15, 2013

English 9--5/16/2013

Jump Off
--Take out your copy of the "Dragonsong Unit Final Essay Grading Sheet" and your typed in MLA format Dragonsong Unit Final Essay.

S. the C.

Writing Workshop -- Dragonsong Unit Final Essay Self and Peer-Editing
--engage in self-editing using your essay and rubric--Mr. Martin models/scaffolds with part of Anita Bath's essay
--essays collected/handed out
--engage in peer-editing using your peer's essay and rubric
--For HW, make any necessary revisions based on today's work block.  Your FINAL essay is due at the beginning of next class (Monday, May 20th).

--Take out your "Poetry 'Unit' Notes -- English 9"  packet and your "Poetry 'Unit' Notes -- English 9: Effect/Authorial Purpose 'Cheat Sheet'".
--Pick up a copy of the "Romeo and Juliet Unit--Prologue Explication" sheet from the front table.

Introductory/Review Activity -- The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Prologue Explication
--engage in explication quietly and independently using your notes pages from earlier in the school year--when finished with your explication, respond to the prompt on the bottom of the page
--share out, focusing on effect/authorial purpose--add to notes where appropriate

Closure -- Looking Ahead
--discuss plot of play/make predictions based on prior knowledge and prologue (rationale shared)

HW Time
--begin memorizing the prologue (first five lines)--How?!

--Your final essay is due at the beginning of class next time (Monday, May 20th).  Make sure to align your work with the rubric--strive for mastery, as you are all quite capable! :)
--Memorize the first five lines of the prologue, and be ready to demonstrate your memorization next class.  If you "have" the whole prologue by next class, you have achieved excellence!