Jump Off -- If you have either a study guide with written-in responses or handwritten notes for Act IV, you may take it/them out as an aid for the assessment that will take place during the first portion of today's class! I am not opposed to engaging in some last-minute discussion.
S. the C. -- agenda/rationale/HW, share the directions from the assessment
Assessment -- The Tragedy of Hamlet Act IV
--carefully complete the quiz and place it on the front table when finished
Self-Evaluation -- In-Progress Course Average/Quarter 4
--mindfully complete the self-evaluation and mentally plan for the remainder of the quarter
*Mr. Martin will be around with some of your earlier evaluations--did you commit?
Brain Break -- ??????
--if necessary/if time
Transition -- pick up the sheet from the front table
HW Time -- The Tragedy of Hamlet Culminating Assignment--Part 1
--read through the assignment sheet together--clarification provided (if necessary)
--count off for act numbers/assign themes
--work time
*Mr. Martin will come around to jot down acts/themes on a chart in order to keep track of each student's responsibility.
--Culminating Assignment--Part 1 is due to Mr. Martin via e-mail by Friday, May 4th--the sooner the better!